Date Form Description XBRL Pages
10/27/00 8-K Form 8-K: Current report filing 2
09/22/00 S-8 Form S-8: Initial registration statement for securities to be offered to employees pursuant to employee benefit plans 9
09/21/00 424B4 Form 424B4: Prospectus filed pursuant to Rule 424(b)(4) 97
09/20/00 S-1/A Form S-1/A: General form of registration statement for all companies including face-amount certificate companies 144
09/14/00 S-1/A Form S-1/A: General form of registration statement for all companies including face-amount certificate companies 126
08/29/00 S-1/A Form S-1/A: General form of registration statement for all companies including face-amount certificate companies 122
08/21/00 S-1/A Form S-1/A: General form of registration statement for all companies including face-amount certificate companies 108
08/08/00 8-A12G Form 8-A12G: Form for registration of a class of securities pursuant to Section 12(g) 2
08/04/00 S-1/A Form S-1/A: General form of registration statement for all companies including face-amount certificate companies 170
06/22/00 S-1 Form S-1: General form of registration statement for all companies including face-amount certificate companies 404