Proxy Statement Pursuant to Section 14(a) of the Securities
Exchange Act of 1934 (Amendment No. __)
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o |
Preliminary Proxy Statement |
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Definitive Proxy Statement |
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Soliciting Material pursuant to Rule 14a-11(c) or Rule 14a-12 |
(Name of Registrant as Specified in its Charter)
(Name of Person(s) Filing Proxy Statement, of Other Than the Registrant)
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o |
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(2) |
Aggregate number of securities to which transaction applies: |
(3) |
Per unit price or other underlying value of transaction computed pursuant to Exchange
Act Rule 0-11 (set forth the amount on which the filing fee is calculated and state how it
was determined): |
(4) |
Proposed maximum aggregate value of transaction: |
(5) |
Total fee paid: |
o |
Fee paid previously with preliminary materials. |
o |
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Act Rule 0-11(a)(2) and identify the filing for which the
offsetting fee was paid previously. Identify the previous filing
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(1) |
Amount Previously Paid: |
(2) |
Form, Schedule or Registration Statement No.: |
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Filing Party: |
(4) |
Date Filed: |
TO BE HELD ON MAY 26, 2010
To our Stockholders:
The 2010 annual meeting of stockholders of TTM Technologies,
Inc. will be held at 10:00 a.m., local time, on Wednesday,
May 26, 2010 at our corporate offices located at 2630 South
Harbor Boulevard, Santa Ana, California 92704, for the following
1. To elect three class I directors for a term
expiring in 2013;
2. To ratify the appointment of KPMG LLP, an independent
registered public accounting firm, as our independent registered
public accountants for the fiscal year ending December 31,
2010; and
3. To consider any other matters that properly come before
the meeting and any postponement or adjournment thereof.
Like last year, we are pleased to this year again take advantage
of the Securities and Exchange Commission rule allowing
companies to furnish proxy materials to their stockholders over
the Internet. We believe that this
process expedites stockholders receipt of proxy materials,
saves us the cost of printing and mailing these materials, and
reduces the environmental impact of our annual meeting by
conserving natural resources.
Stockholders of record as of the close of business on
March 29, 2010 are entitled to notice of, and to vote at,
the annual meeting and any postponement or adjournment thereof.
Whether or not you expect to be present, please vote your shares
using the Internet by following the instructions in this proxy
statement. Of course, you may also vote by signing, dating, and
returning the enclosed proxy card in the enclosed pre-addressed
envelope if you received a paper copy of this proxy statement.
No postage is required if mailed in the United States.
By Order of the Board of Directors
Steven W. Richards,
Santa Ana, California
April 12, 2010
The proxy statement and annual report to stockholders and the
means to vote via the Internet are available at
www.ttmtech.com/stockholdersmeeting. Your Vote is
Important Please vote as promptly as possible by
using the Internet or by signing, dating, and returning the
proxy card if you received a paper copy of this proxy statement.
All stockholders are invited to attend the annual meeting in
person. Stockholders who vote their proxy online or by executing
a proxy card may nevertheless attend the meeting, revoke their
proxy, and vote their shares in person.
This proxy statement contains information related to our annual
meeting of stockholders to be held on Wednesday, May 26,
2010, beginning at 10:00 a.m. local time at our corporate
offices located at 2630 South Harbor Boulevard, Santa Ana,
California 92704, and at any adjournments or postponements of
the meeting. The purpose of this proxy statement is to solicit
proxies from the holders of our common stock for use at the
meeting. On or about April 16, 2010, we began mailing a
notice containing instructions on how to access this proxy
statement and our annual report via the Internet, and we began
mailing a full set of the proxy materials to stockholders who
had previously requested delivery of the materials in paper
copy. For information on how to vote your shares, see the
instructions included on the proxy card and under How do I
vote? on page 2.
What is
the purpose of the annual meeting?
At the annual meeting, stockholders will vote to (1) elect
three class I directors for a term expiring in 2013; and
(2) ratify the appointment of KPMG LLP as our independent
registered public accountants for the fiscal year ending
December 31, 2010. In addition, our management will report
on our performance during 2009 and respond to questions from our
Who is
entitled to vote at the meeting?
Only stockholders of record at the close of business on
March 29, 2010, the record date for the annual meeting, are
entitled to receive notice of the meeting and to vote the shares
of our common stock that they held on that date at the meeting,
and any postponements or adjournments of the meeting. Each
outstanding share of common stock entitles its holder to cast
one vote on each matter to be voted upon at the meeting.
Who may
attend the meeting?
All stockholders as of the record date, or their duly appointed
proxies, may attend the meeting. Please note that if you hold
shares in street name (that is, through a broker or
other nominee), you will need to bring a copy of a brokerage
statement reflecting your stock ownership as of the record date.
constitutes a quorum?
The presence at the meeting, in person or by proxy, of the
holders of a majority of all of the shares of common stock
outstanding on the record date will constitute a quorum,
permitting the conduct of business at the meeting. As of the
record date, 43,687,796 shares of our common stock were
outstanding. Proxies received but marked as abstentions and
broker non-votes will be included in the calculation of the
number of shares considered to be present at the meeting.
If less than a majority of the outstanding shares of common
stock entitled to vote are represented at the meeting, a
majority of the shares present at the meeting may adjourn the
meeting to another date, time, or place, and notice need not be
given of the new date, time, or place if the new date, time, or
place is announced at the meeting before an adjournment is taken.
How do I
If you are the stockholder of record (that is, the shares are
held in your name), you may vote your proxy in one of two
convenient ways:
By the
Go to www.ttmtech.com/stockholdersmeeting and follow the
instructions. You will need the
control number that appears in the Notice Regarding the
Availability of Proxy Materials you received or on your proxy
card included with this proxy statement. This method of voting
will be available until 11:59 p.m., Eastern Time, on
May 25, 2010.
If you wish to vote by traditional proxy card and did not
receive one along with this proxy statement, you can receive a
full set of materials at no charge through the Internet at
www.ttmtech.com/stockholdersmeeting, by telephone at
(888) 776-9962,
or by sending an
e-mail to
info@amstock.com (the subject line of your
should contain the
control number that appears in the Notice Regarding the
Availability of Proxy Materials you received). If you vote by
traditional proxy card, mark your selections on the proxy card,
date the card, and sign your name exactly as it appears on the
card, then mail it in the postage-paid envelope enclosed with
the materials. You should mail the proxy card in plenty of time
to allow delivery to our transfer agent prior to the meeting.
If you are a stockholder of record and attend the meeting, you
may deliver your completed proxy card in person. If you are not
the stockholder of record (that is, your shares are held in the
name of a bank, broker, or other holder of record, which is
often referred to as held in street name) then you
will receive instructions from the holder of record that you
must follow to ensure that your shares are voted as you wish.
You will not be able to vote those shares at the meeting unless
you have received, in advance, a proxy card from the record
holder (that is, the bank, broker, or other holder of record).
If you complete and properly sign and return a proxy card to us
or complete your proxy online, your shares will be voted as you
Can I
revoke my proxy and change my vote?
Yes. You may revoke your proxy and change your vote at any time
before the annual meeting by submitting to our corporate
secretary at our corporate offices a notice of revocation or a
duly executed proxy bearing a later date (or voting via the
Internet). The powers of the proxy holders will be suspended if
you attend the meeting in person and so request, although
attendance at the meeting will not by itself revoke a previously
granted proxy.
What does
it mean if I receive more than one notice?
This means that your shares are registered differently and are
held in more than one account. To ensure that all shares are
voted, please either vote each account over the Internet or sign
and return by mail all proxy cards. We encourage you to register
all of your shares in the same name and address by contacting
the Shareholder Services Department at our transfer agent,
American Stock Transfer & Trust Company, at
(800) 937-5449.
If you hold your shares through an account with a bank or
broker, you should contact your bank or broker and request
consolidation of your accounts.
What are
the boards recommendations?
If you sign and return your proxy card but do not specify how
you want your shares voted, the persons named as proxy holders
on the proxy card will vote in accordance with the
recommendations of our board of directors. Each of our board of
directors recommendations is set forth together with the
description of each item in this proxy statement. In summary,
our board of directors recommends a vote
(1) FOR the election of each of its nominees
for class I director, and (2) FOR the
ratification of the appointment of KPMG LLP as our independent
registered public accountants for the fiscal year ending
December 31, 2010.
Our board of directors does not know of any other matters that
may be brought before the meeting nor does it foresee or have
reason to believe that the proxy holders will have to vote for a
substitute or alternate board nominee for director. In the event
that any other matter should properly come before the meeting or
any nominee for director is not available for election, the
proxy holders will vote as recommended by the board of directors
or, if no recommendation is given, in accordance with their best
What vote
is required to approve each item?
Election of Directors. Assuming that a quorum
is present, the three persons receiving the largest number of
FOR votes of our common stock present in person or
by proxy at the meeting and entitled to vote (a plurality) will
be elected directors. A properly executed proxy marked
WITHHOLD AUTHORITY with respect to the election of a
director will be counted for purposes of determining whether
there is a quorum but it will not be counted for or against the
nominee. Stockholders do not have the right to cumulate their
votes for directors.
Appointment of Independent Registered Public
Accountants. The affirmative vote of a majority
of the shares of our common stock present in person or
represented by proxy at the meeting and entitled to vote will be
required for approval of the ratification of the appointment of
KPMG LLP as our independent registered public accountants for
the fiscal year ending December 31, 2010. A properly
executed proxy marked ABSTAIN with respect to the
appointment of KPMG LLP will not be voted, although it will be
counted for purposes of determining whether there is a quorum.
Accordingly, an abstention will have the effect of a negative
Other Items. For each other item, the
affirmative vote of a majority of the shares of our common stock
present in person or represented by proxy at the meeting and
entitled to vote will be required for approval. A properly
executed proxy marked ABSTAIN with respect to any
such matter will not be voted, although it will be counted for
purposes of determining whether there is a quorum. Accordingly,
an abstention will have the effect of a negative vote.
What are
the effects of broker non-votes?
If you hold your shares in street name (through a
bank, broker, or other nominee), your bank, broker, or nominee
may not be permitted to exercise voting discretion with respect
to some of the matters to be acted upon. Thus, if you do not
give your bank, broker, or nominee specific instructions, your
shares may not be voted on those matters, although they will be
counted for purposes of determining whether there is a quorum.
Accordingly, a broker non-vote will have the effect of a
negative vote on matters requiring an affirmative vote of a
majority of the shares of our common stock.
Who will
pay for the preparation of the proxy?
We will pay the cost of soliciting proxies. In addition to the
use of mail, our employees may solicit proxies personally, by
facsimile, and by telephone. Our employees will receive no
compensation for soliciting proxies other than their regular
salaries. We may request banks, brokers, and other custodians,
nominees, and fiduciaries to forward copies of the proxy
materials to the beneficial owners of our common stock and to
request authority for the execution of proxies, and we may
reimburse such persons for their expenses incurred in connection
with these activities.
Our principal executive offices are located at
2630 S. Harbor Boulevard, Santa Ana, California 92704,
and our telephone number is
(714) 327-3000.
A list of stockholders entitled to vote at the annual meeting
will be available at our offices for a period of 10 days
prior to the meeting and at the meeting itself for examination
by any stockholder.
and Nominees
Our board of directors is divided into three classes with each
class of directors serving for a three-year term or until
successors of that class have been elected and qualified. At the
annual meeting, our stockholders will elect three class I
directors. Each director elected at the 2010 annual meeting will
serve for a term expiring at the 2013 annual meeting or until
his successor has been duly elected and qualified.
Our board of directors has nominated Thomas T. Edman and James
K. Bass, each of whom currently serves as a director, to stand
for re-election at the annual meeting. If Messrs. Edman and
Bass are re-elected, they will serve three-year terms expiring
at the annual meeting of stockholders in 2013.
On November 16, 2009, we and certain of our subsidiaries
entered into a stock purchase agreement, which we refer to as
the Purchase Agreement, with Meadville Holdings Limited, which
we refer to as Meadville, and one of Meadvilles
subsidiaries, pursuant to which we agreed to acquire the entire
outstanding capital stock of all of Meadvilles indirect
wholly owned subsidiaries that comprise and operate
Meadvilles printed circuit board business, which we refer
to as the PCB Subsidiaries. We refer to the
acquisition as the PCB Combination, which we
effected on April 8, 2010. Under the terms of the Purchase
Agreement, on the closing date of the PCB Combination we were
required to execute a shareholders agreement (which we refer to
as the Shareholders Agreement), pursuant to which Tang Hsiang
Chien, as the principal shareholder of Meadville, and any
affiliate of Tang Hsiang Chien who, from time to time, holds
shares of our common stock (who we refer to as the Principal
Shareholders), together with two of Tang Hsiang Chiens
adult children and their respective affiliates who hold shares
of our common stock from time to time (who we collectively refer
to as the Tang Siblings), are entitled to jointly nominate one
individual to our board of directors. Each such nominee must be
reasonably acceptable to our nominating and corporate governance
committee in accordance with our director nominee criteria and
qualifications specified in the nominating and corporate
governance committee charter, our certificate of incorporation
and bylaws, and our corporate governance policies and
procedures. On the closing date of the PCB Combination, our
board of directors was required to increase the class of
directors whose terms expire in 2013 and promptly appoint the
Principal Shareholders and Tang Siblings nominee as
a director to fill that vacancy. We are also required to use
reasonable efforts to cause the election of the Principal
Shareholders and Tang Siblings nominee at each
meeting of stockholders at which the class in which he or she
sits comes up for election. We are not required to take any
extraordinary solicitation or other recommendation efforts (or
pay any costs associated therewith) to cause such election, if
such actions are not similarly taken with respect to the other
of our board nominees.
In accordance with the terms of the Shareholders Agreement, the
initial additional director jointly nominated by the Principal
Shareholders and Tang Siblings is Mr. Tang Chung Yen, Tom,
who we refer to as Mr. Tang. On the closing date of the PCB
Combination, our board of directors appointed Mr. Tang as a
class I director in accordance with the Shareholders
Agreement and has nominated Mr. Tang to stand for election
at the annual meeting. If Mr. Tang is elected by our
stockholders, he will serve a three-year term expiring at the
annual meeting of stockholders in 2013.
Kenton K. Alder and Richard P. Beck serve as class II
directors and their terms will expire at the annual meeting of
stockholders in 2011. Robert E. Klatell and John G. Mayer serve
as class III directors, and their terms will expire at the
annual meeting of stockholders in 2012.
Our board of directors has no reason to believe that any of its
nominees will refuse or be unable to accept election. However,
if any nominee is unable to accept election or if any other
unforeseen contingencies should arise, our board of directors
may designate a substitute nominee. If our board of directors
designates a substitute nominee, the persons named as proxies
will vote for the substitute nominee designated by our board of
board of directors recommends a vote FOR the
nominees for class I director.
The following table, together with the accompanying text, sets
forth certain information with respect to each of our directors
and Mr. Tang.
Position(s) Held
Robert E. Klatell
Chairman and Director
Kenton K. Alder
Chief Executive Officer, President, and Director
Tang Chung Yen, Tom
Managing Director Asia Pacific Region and
James K. Bass
Richard P. Beck
Thomas T. Edman
John G. Mayer
Robert E. Klatell has served as a director of our company
since September 2004 and our Chairman of the Board since May
2005. Mr. Klatell is presently retired. Since November
2009, Mr. Klatell has served as a director of PBSJ
Corporation and a member of its compensation committee, and has
served on its audit committee since February 2010. From 2003 to
2009, Mr. Klatell served as a director of Datascope Corp.,
a medical device company that develops, manufactures, and
markets proprietary products for clinical health care markets.
From December 2005 to December 2007, Mr. Klatell served as
Chief Executive Officer and a director of DICOM Group plc, a
publicly held company (London Stock Exchange) that provides
information capture and communications solutions. From 2003 to
2006, Mr. Klatell served as a director of Mediagrif
Interactive Technologies, an operator of
networks and provider of
solutions. Mr. Klatell served as a consultant to Arrow
Electronics, Inc. from January 2004 to December 2004.
Mr. Klatell served in various executive capacities at Arrow
Electronics, Inc. from February 1976 to December 2003, most
recently as Executive Vice President from July 1995 to December
2003. Mr. Klatell holds a Bachelor of Arts degree in
History from Williams College and a Juris Doctor from New York
University School of Law. Our board of directors has determined
that Mr. Klatell is an independent director.
Mr. Klatell was nominated to the board of directors because
of his extensive experience with operations management and his
knowledge of corporate governance and global mergers and
acquisitions. His membership with the National Association of
Corporate Directors provides him with up to date information on
corporate governance best practices and the tools necessary to
bring his leadership to our board of directors. Further, his
deep knowledge of the electronics industry and direct experience
in the communications industry allows him to contribute a broad
perspective to discussions about our future activities and our
place in the current competitive landscape.
Kenton K. Alder has served as our Chief Executive
Officer, President, and a director since March 1999. From
January 1997 to July 1998, Mr. Alder served as Vice
President of Tyco Printed Circuit Group, Inc., a printed circuit
board manufacturer. Prior to that time, Mr. Alder served as
President and Chief Executive Officer of ElectroStar, Inc.,
previously a publicly held printed circuit board manufacturing
company, from December 1994 to December 1996. From January 1987
to November 1994, Mr. Alder served as President of Lundahl
Astro Circuits Inc., a predecessor company to ElectroStar, Inc.
Mr. Alder holds a Bachelor of Science degree in Finance and
a Bachelor of Science degree in Accounting from Utah State
University. Mr. Alder is an employee director.
Mr. Alder was nominated to the board of directors because
of his role as our chief executive officer, which enables him to
provide the board with insight based on his
interactions with our company, and because of his extensive
operational expertise. As a management representative on our
board of directors, he provides an insiders perspective in
board discussions about the business and strategic direction of
our company and has experience in all aspects of our global
Tang Chung Yen, Tom has served as our Managing
Director Asia Pacific Region and as a director
of our company since the closing date of the PCB Combination.
Prior to that date he was the Executive Chairman and Group
Managing Director of Meadville Holdings Limited, which he joined
in 1991. He was also the Chairman of Meadville Holdings
Limiteds Executive Committee and was responsible for the
leadership of Meadvilles board of directors. Mr. Tang
was also a director of certain of Meadville Holdings
Limiteds subsidiaries. He has served as the honorary
chairman of Hong Kong Printed Circuit Association Limited since
2005 and is the chairman of The Hong Kong Exporters
Association, The Hong Kong Standards and Testing Centre Limited,
and The Hong Kong Safety Institute Limited. He is also a board
member of Hong Kong Science and Technology Parks Corporation, a
council member of Hong Kong Trade Development Council, an
advisory committee member of Innovation and Technology
Advisory Committee of Hong Kong Trade Development Council, and a
vice chairman of HK Wuxi Trade Association Limited. Since 2008,
he has been a member of Shanghai & Wuxi Committee of
The Chinese Peoples Political Consultative Conference. He
holds a degree of Master of Business Administration from New
York University. Our board of directors has determined that
Mr. Tang is not an independent director. Mr. Tang was
proposed as a nominee for a member of our board of directors by
the Principal Shareholders and Tang Siblings, in accordance with
the Purchase Agreement and Shareholders Agreement. Our board of
directors accepted Mr. Tang as a nominee given his
extensive experience with PCB operations in Asia and his
business acumen, as evidenced by his senior executive role with
Meadville. Mr. Tang is an officer of our company and
provides an insiders perspective to our Asian operations.
James K. Bass has served as a director of our company
since September 2000. From September 2005 to June 2009,
Mr. Bass served as the Chief Executive Officer and a
director of Piper Aircraft, Inc., a general aviation
manufacturing company. He served as the Chief Executive Officer
and a director of Suntron Corporation, a provider of high mix
electronic manufacturing services, from its incorporation in May
2001 until May 2005, and as Chief Executive Officer of EFTC
Corporation, a subsidiary of Suntron Corporation, from July 2000
until April 2001. From 1992 to July 2000, Mr. Bass was a
Senior Vice President of Sony Corporation. Prior to that,
Mr. Bass spent 15 years in various manufacturing
management positions at the aerospace group of General Electric
Corporation. Mr. Bass holds a B.S.M.E. degree from Ohio
State University. Our board of directors has determined that
Mr. Bass is an independent director. Electronic
manufacturing service (EMS) providers represent an important
part of our customer base. Mr. Bass was nominated to the
board of directors because of his extensive experience in the
electronic manufacturing industry and the technology
marketplace, his executive and operational experience as the
chief executive officer of a public company, and his broad
experience with accounting and audit matters for publicly traded
Richard P. Beck has served as a director of our company
since February 2001. Mr. Beck is presently retired. From
May 1998 to August 2006, Mr. Beck served as a director of
Applied Films Corporation, a publicly held manufacturer of flat
panel display equipment, served on its audit and nominating and
governance committees, and served as chairman of the board from
October 2001 to August 2006. From September 2000 to October
2004, Mr. Beck served as a director of Photon Dynamics,
Inc., a publicly held manufacturer of semiconductor test
equipment and was chairman of its audit committee. From November
2001 to May 2002, Mr. Beck served as Senior Vice President
of Advanced Energy Industries, Inc., a publicly held
manufacturer of power conversion systems and integrated
technology solutions. From February 1998 to November 2001,
Mr. Beck served as Senior Vice President and Chief
Financial Officer of Advanced Energy Industries and continues to
serve as a director of that company, and is a member of its
audit committee and chairman of its nominating and corporate
governance committee. From March 1992 until February 1998,
Mr. Beck served as Vice President and Chief Financial
Officer of Advanced Energy. From November 1987 to March 1992,
Mr. Beck served as Executive Vice President and Chief
Financial Officer for Cimage Corporation, a computer software
company. Mr. Beck holds a Bachelor of Science degree in
Accounting and Finance and a Master of Business Administration
from Babson College. Our board of directors has determined that
Mr. Beck is an independent director and an audit
committee financial expert as described in applicable
Securities and Exchange Commission rules. Mr. Beck was
nominated to the board of directors because of his expertise
with accounting and audit matters, including for companies in
the technology industry, and because of his experience with
corporate finance, investor relations, and corporate governance
Thomas T. Edman has served as a director of our company
since September 2004. Since July 2006, Mr. Edman has served
as Vice President of Corporate Business Development of Applied
Materials, Inc., a publicly held provider of nanomanufacturing
technology solutions. Prior to that, Mr. Edman served as
President and Chief Executive Officer of Applied Films
Corporation from May 1998 until Applied Materials, Inc. acquired
Applied Films Corporation in July 2006. From June 1996 until May
1998, Mr. Edman served as Chief Operating Officer and
Executive Vice President of Applied Films Corporation. From 1993
until joining Applied Films, he served as General Manager of the
High Performance Materials Division of Marubeni Specialty
Chemicals, Inc., a subsidiary of a major Japanese trading
corporation. Mr. Edman serves on the Governing Board of the
USDC (United States Display Consortium). Mr. Edman holds a
Bachelor of Arts degree in East Asian studies (Japan) from Yale
University and a Masters degree in Business Administration
from The Wharton School at the University of Pennsylvania. Our
board of directors has determined that Mr. Edman is an
independent director. Mr. Edman was
nominated to the board of directors because of his proven
business acumen and experience in the technology industry,
having served in numerous senior executive roles with sizeable
technology companies, including as the chief executive officer
of a public company. Mr. Edman also has
compensation-related expertise that prove valuable to our board
of directors.
John G. Mayer has served as a director of our company
since September 2000. Mr. Mayer is presently retired. From
January 1997 to November 1999, Mr. Mayer served as Vice
President of Tyco Printed Circuit Group, Inc., a printed circuit
board manufacturer. Mr. Mayer served as Chief Operating
Officer of ElectroStar, Inc., previously a publicly held printed
circuit board manufacturing company, from December 1994 to
December 1996. From April 1986 to November 1994, Mr. Mayer
served as President of Electro-Etch Circuits, Inc., a
predecessor company to ElectroStar, Inc. Mr. Mayer holds a
Bachelor of Arts degree in History, the Arts and Letters from
Yale University and a Juris Doctor from UCLA School of Law. Our
board of directors has determined that Mr. Mayer is an
independent director. Mr. Mayer was nominated to the board
of directors because of his extensive experience in the PCB
business and because of his demonstrated depth of business
experience in our companys industry.
There are no family relationships among any of our directors,
director nominees, or executive officers.
Relating to Corporate Governance and the Board of
Our board of directors has determined, after considering all the
relevant facts and circumstances, that Messrs. Bass, Beck,
Edman, Klatell, and Mayer are independent directors, as
independence is defined by the listing standards of
the Nasdaq Stock Market, or Nasdaq, and by the Securities and
Exchange Commission, or the SEC. Accordingly, a majority of the
members of our board of directors are independent. Mr. Tang
is not considered an independent director as a result of his
former position as an executive with Meadville Holdings Limited
and certain of its subsidiaries, and as an officer of our
company effective as of the closing of the PCB Combination.
Our bylaws authorize our board of directors to appoint among its
members one or more committees, each consisting of one or more
directors. Our board of directors has established three standing
committees: an audit committee, a compensation committee, and a
nominating and corporate governance committee. Each of our
committees is comprised entirely of independent directors, as
independence is defined by the listing standards of
The Nasdaq Stock Market and by the SEC. Our board of directors
holds executive sessions following all in-person board meetings
at which the independent directors meet without the presence or
participation of management.
Our board of directors has adopted charters for the audit,
compensation, and nominating and corporate governance committees
describing the authority and responsibilities delegated to the
committee by the board of directors. Our board of directors has
also adopted corporate governance guidelines, a whistle blower
policy, and a code of ethics for our chief executive officer and
senior financial officers. We post on our website, at
www.ttmtech.com, the charters of our audit, compensation,
and nominating and corporate governance committees; our
corporate governance guidelines; our whistle blower policy; our
code of ethics for our chief executive officer and senior
financial officers, and any amendments or waivers thereto. These
documents are also available in print to any stockholder
requesting a copy in writing from our corporate secretary at
2630 South Harbor Boulevard, Santa Ana, California 92704.
Interested parties may communicate with our board of directors
or specific members of our board of directors, including the
members of our various board committees, by submitting a letter
addressed to the board of directors of TTM Technologies, Inc.,
c/o any
specified individual director or directors, at 2630 South Harbor
Boulevard, Santa Ana, California 92704. We will forward any such
letters to the indicated directors.
of the Board of Directors
Our board of directors held eleven meetings during the year
ended December 31, 2009. All of our directors attended more
than 75% of the aggregate of (i) total number of meetings
of the board of directors held during fiscal year 2009, and
(ii) the total number of meetings held by all committees of
our board of directors on which such person served during 2009.
We have adopted a policy encouraging each of our directors to
attend each annual meeting of stockholders and, to the extent
reasonably practicable, we regularly schedule a meeting of the
board of directors on the same day as the annual meeting of
of the Board of Directors
Audit Committee. Our audit committee reviews
and monitors our corporate financial reporting and our external
audit, including, among other things, our internal control
functions, the results and scope of the annual audit, and other
services provided by our independent registered public
accounting firm and our compliance with legal requirements that
have a significant impact on our financial reports. Our audit
committee also consults with our management and our independent
registered public accounting firm regarding the preparation of
financial statements and, as appropriate, initiates inquiries
into aspects of our financial affairs. In addition, our audit
committee has the responsibility to consider and recommend the
appointment of, and to pre-approve services provided by, and fee
arrangements with, our independent registered public accounting
firm. The current members of our audit committee are
Messrs. Bass, Beck, and Mayer, each of whom is an
independent director of our company under Nasdaq listing
standards as well as under SEC rules. The board of directors has
determined that Mr. Beck, who serves as chairman of our
audit committee, qualifies as an audit committee financial
expert in accordance with applicable rules and regulations
of the SEC. Our audit committee held six meetings during 2009.
Nominating and Corporate Governance
Committee. The nominating and corporate
governance committee oversees the selection and composition of
our board of directors and oversees the management continuity
planning processes. It establishes, monitors, and recommends the
purpose, structure, and operations of the various committees of
our board of directors, the criteria and qualifications for
membership of each board committee, and recommends whether
rotations or term limits are appropriate for the chair or
committee members of the various committees. In addition, the
nominating and corporate governance committee recommends
individuals to stand for election as directors and recommends
directors to serve on each committee as a member or as chair of
the committee. The nominating and corporate governance committee
reviews and makes recommendations regarding our governing
documents (including our certificate of incorporation and
bylaws) and our corporate governance principles. The nominating
and corporate governance committee is also responsible for
considering policies relating to the meetings of our board of
directors, and considers questions of independence and possible
conflicts of interest of members of our board of directors and
executive officers. Finally, the nominating and corporate
governance committee oversees the evaluation of our board of
directors and management.
The nominating and corporate governance committee will consider
persons recommended by stockholders for inclusion as nominees
for election to our board of directors if the information
required by our bylaws is submitted in writing in a timely
manner addressed and delivered to our companys secretary
at 2630 South Harbor Boulevard, Santa Ana, California 92704. A
stockholder who intends to recommend a nominee to our board of
directors must provide (a) all information relating to the
individual subject to the nomination that is required to be
disclosed in opposition proxy statements for election of
directors filed by stockholders, at their own expense, in a
contested election, or is otherwise required under
Regulation 14A under the Securities Exchange Act of 1934,
as amended, or the Exchange Act, and (b) the
individuals written consent to being named in a proxy
statement as a nominee and to serving as a director if elected.
The stockholder making the nomination must also provide the
information required by our bylaws relating to such stockholder,
including information pertaining to ownership of our capital
stock, and must make certain representations relating to voting
intent and delivery of proxies. The stockholders nominee
must also deliver to our secretary a written questionnaire with
respect to the background and qualification of such person and
the background of any other person or entity on whose behalf the
nomination is being made. The questionnaire is available from
our secretary upon written request and upon the requesting
persons providing certain written representations required
by our bylaws.
The nominating and corporate governance committee identifies and
evaluates nominees for our board of directors, including
nominees recommended by stockholders, based on numerous factors
it considers appropriate, some of which may include strength of
character, mature judgment, career specialization, relevant
technical skills, diversity, and the extent to which the nominee
would fill a present need on our board of directors. The
nominating and corporate governance committee evaluates nominees
for director in the same manner, regardless of whether the
nominee is recommended by a stockholder or other person or
The charter of our nominating and corporate governance committee
provides that the value of diversity on our board of directors
should be considered. The nominating and corporate governance
committee considers ethnic and gender diversity, as well as
diversity of skills, backgrounds, and qualifications represented
on the board of directors,
in recommending nominees for election. The nominating and
corporate governance committee evaluates its effectiveness in
achieving diversity on the board of directors through its annual
review of board member composition, which identifies ethnicity,
gender, and industry experience, prior to recommending nominees
for election.
Our nominating and corporate governance committee currently
consists of three members, Messrs. Klatell (chairman),
Beck, and Bass. The nominating and corporate governance
committee held five meetings during 2009.
Compensation Committee. Our compensation
committee provides a general review of our compensation and
benefit plans to ensure that they meet our corporate objectives.
The compensation committee reviews and determines, or recommends
to our board of directors, the compensation of our chief
executive officer and all other individuals designated by our
board of directors as executive officers of our company. In
addition, our compensation committee reviews and approves our
corporate goals and objectives relevant to the compensation for
our chief executive officer and other executive officers,
including annual performance objectives, and evaluates the
performance of our chief executive officer and other executive
officers in light of these goals and objectives. The
compensation committee reviews and makes recommendations to our
board of directors with respect to, or approves, our incentive
compensation plans and equity-based plans, and activities
relating to those plans. The compensation committee also
establishes and periodically reviews policies in the area of
perquisites for executive officers. The compensation committee
may, from time to time, delegate any or all of its
responsibilities to a subcommittee.
In discharging its responsibilities, our compensation committee
is empowered to investigate any matter of concern that it deems
appropriate and has the sole authority, without seeking approval
from the entire board of directors, to retain outside
consultants for this purpose, including the authority to approve
any terms of retention. Additional information regarding the
role of compensation consultants and executive officers in
assisting our compensation committee in determining the amount
or form of executive compensation may be found in
Compensation Discussion and Analysis below. The
compensation committee is currently comprised of
Messrs. Edman (chairman), Klatell, and Mayer. The
compensation committee held five meetings during 2009.
Leadership Structure
We believe it is the chief executive officers
responsibility to manage our companys operations and the
chairmans responsibility to lead our board of directors.
Given the significant responsibilities with which our chairman
is tasked and his active role in our governance, we believe it
is beneficial to have an independent chairman whose sole job is
leading the board of directors. To this end, our corporate
governance guidelines provide that our chief executive officer
may not be our chairman, and that our chairman will be selected
from our independent directors. In making its decision to
separate the chief executive officer and chairman roles, our
board of directors considered the time that Mr. Alder is
required to devote to the chief executive officer position in
the current economic environment, particularly given the demands
imposed on our company as it undertakes international expansion.
By segregating the role of the chairman, we reduce any
duplication of effort between the chief executive officer and
the chairman. We believe this provides strong leadership for our
board of directors, while also positioning our chief executive
officer as the leader of the company in the eyes of our
customers, employees, and other stakeholders. By having another
director serve as chairman of the board, Mr. Alder is
better able to focus his attention on running our company. Our
board of directors believes that Mr. Klatell is the most
appropriate individual to serve as chairman because of his deep
knowledge of our business and strategy, his experience with
corporate governance matters, and his demonstrated skill and
commitment to performing effectively as chairman of our board of
Our board of directors has five independent members and two
non-independent members, including our chief executive officer
and Mr. Tang. A number of our independent board members are
currently serving or have served as members of senior management
of other public companies and have served as directors of other
public companies. We believe that the number of independent,
experienced directors that make up our board, along with the
independent oversight of the board by the non-executive
chairman, benefits our company and our stockholders.
We believe that we have a strong corporate governance structure
that ensures independent discussion, evaluation of, and
communication with and access to, senior management. All of our
board committees are
composed solely of independent directors, which provides
independent oversight of management. Also, our corporate
governance guidelines provide that our independent directors
will meet in executive session not less frequently than
Management and Oversight Process
While our management is primarily responsible for managing risk,
our board of directors and each of its committees plays a role
in overseeing our risk management practices. Our full board of
directors is ultimately responsible for risk oversight, and it
discharges this responsibility by, among other things, receiving
regular reports from our management concerning our business and
the material risks that our company faces. Our board of
directors annually reviews key enterprise risks identified by
management, such as financial, reputational, safety and
security, and compliance risks, and monitors key risks through
reports and discussions regarding key risk areas at meetings of
our board of directors and in committee meetings. Our board of
directors focuses on specific strategic and emerging risks in
periodic strategy reviews. Our board of directors annually
reviews and approves our corporate strategy and goals and our
capital budgets, and in connection with that review considers
risks associated with our company.
Our board of directors allocates responsibility for overseeing
risk management for our company among the full board and each of
its committees. Specifically, the full board oversees
significant risks primarily relating to operations, strategy,
and finance. In addition, each of our committees considers risks
within its area of responsibilities, as follows:
Our audit committee is primarily responsible for overseeing
matters involving major financial risk exposures and actions
management is taking to monitor such risk exposures. This
includes risks relating to financial reporting and internal
controls; litigation; environmental, health, and safety matters;
tax matters; liability insurance programs; and compliance with
legal and regulatory requirements and our code of ethics. In
addition, the audit committee reviews our quarterly and annual
financial reports, including any disclosure in those reports of
risk factors affecting our company and its business.
Our compensation committee is primarily responsible for
overseeing risks that may be implicated by our executive
compensation programs and risks relating to the administration
of those programs. In setting compensation, the compensation
committee strives to create incentives that encourage
appropriate risk taking behavior consistent with our business
strategy. In making compensation determinations, the
compensation committee considered the overall mix of
compensation for employees as well as the various risk control
and mitigation features of our compensation plans, including
appropriate performance measures and targets and incentive plan
payout maximums. To assist in satisfying these oversight
responsibilities, the compensation committee has retained its
own compensation consultant and meets regularly with management
to understand the financial, human resources, and stockholder
implications of compensation decisions being made. Additional
information on risk management considerations of our
compensation committee are discussed in this proxy statement
under Compensation Discussion and Analysis
Risk Management Considerations.
Our nominating and corporate governance committee is primarily
responsible for risks that may be mitigated by the continued
effective functioning of our board of directors and our
corporate governance practices. Under its charter, the
nominating and corporate governance committee is responsible
for, among other things, developing and recommending to our
board of directors a set of effective corporate governance
principles designed to assure compliance with applicable
Through the activities of our audit, compensation, and
nominating and corporate governance committees, as well as the
full board of directors interactions with management
concerning our business and the material risks that may impact
our company, the board of directors is able to monitor our risk
management process and offer critical insights to our management.
Party Transaction Policies and Procedures
It is the responsibility of our full board of directors and our
audit committee to review and approve related party
transactions. It is our managements responsibility to
bring such related party transactions to the attention of the
board of directors and members of the audit committee. From time
to time our nominating and corporate
governance committee, in accordance with its charter, will also
review potential conflict of interest transactions involving
members of our board of directors and our executive officers.
In accordance with our corporate governance guidelines, any
monetary engagement (other than director or employee
compensation or transactions which would not require disclosure
under Item 404 of
Regulation S-K)
(a) between a director (including any entity of which the
director is a director or executive officer and any member of a
directors family as defined in Nasdaq rules) and our
company or any of its affiliates or members of senior management
or their families, and (b) between executive officers of
our company (as designated by our board of directors) and our
company or any of its affiliates, is subject to the approval of
our audit committee or our independent directors. Each of our
directors and executive officers must notify our board of
directors in advance of entering into any such transaction.
Our corporate governance guidelines task our board of directors,
in consultation with our nominating and corporate governance
committee, with reviewing annually the relationships that each
director has with us, directly or indirectly. Further, our
nominating and corporate governance committee is tasked with
periodically reviewing the compensation arrangements and other
business relationships between our directors and our company,
including charitable and political contributions, in order to
monitor the independence of our directors. Our corporate
governance guidelines also provide that if an actual or
potential conflict of interest develops, a director should
report the matter immediately to the full board of directors and
our audit committee for evaluation and appropriate resolution.
If a director has a personal interest in a matter before our
board of directors, the director must disclose the interest to
the full board of directors and our audit committee, must recuse
himself or herself from participation in the related discussion,
and must abstain from voting on the matter.
to Affiliates of Compensation Consultants During 2009
Our compensation committee retained Pearl Meyer &
Partners as its outside compensation consultant for 2008 and
2009. Pearl Meyer & Partners did not provide any
consulting services to the company beyond its role as consultant
to the compensation committee in 2009. In January 2010, our
compensation committee engaged Mercer (USA) Inc., or Mercer, to
provide the committee with an executive and director
compensation assessment. During fiscal year 2009, we paid $1,000
to Mercer in connection with our purchase of a study that Mercer
had prepared relating to Asian compensation. This was prior to
our compensation committees retention of Mercer as its
compensation consultant in 2010. In addition, during 2009 we
paid $161,496 to Marsh Risk & Insurance Services, who
we believe is an affiliate of Mercer, in connection with its
rendering of insurance brokerage and risk management consulting
services to our company. While the committee approved the
retention of Mercer as a compensation consultant, Marsh
Risk & Insurance Services was retained directly by our
The following table shows the amount of each class of common
stock beneficially owned as of March 1, 2010, by
(a) each of our directors, nominees for directors, and
named executive officers; (b) all of our directors and
current executive officers as a group; and (c) each person
known by us to own beneficially more than five percent of our
outstanding common stock.
Shares Beneficially Owned
Name of Beneficial Owner(1)
Directors and Named Executive Officers:
Kenton K. Alder(3)
Steven W. Richards(4)
Douglas L. Soder(5)
Shane S. Whiteside(6)
James K. Bass(7)
Richard P. Beck(8)
Thomas T. Edman(9)
Robert E. Klatell(10)
John G. Mayer(11)
Tang Chung Yen, Tom
All directors and executive officers as a group (10 persons)
5% Stockholders:
Royce & Associates, LLC(12)
BlackRock, Inc.(13)
Paradigm Capital Management, Inc.(14)
Dimensional Fund Advisors(16)
* |
Represents less than 1% of our outstanding common stock. |
(1) |
Except as otherwise indicated, the address of each person listed
on the table is 2630 S. Harbor Blvd, Santa Ana, CA,
92704. |
(2) |
We have determined beneficial ownership in accordance with the
rules of the SEC. In computing the number of shares beneficially
owned by a person and the percentage ownership of that person,
we have included the shares of common stock subject to options,
restricted stock units, and warrants held by that person that
are currently exercisable or will become exercisable within
60 days after March 1, 2010, but we have not included
those shares for purposes of computing percentage ownership of
any other person. We have assumed unless otherwise indicated
that the persons and entities named in the table have sole
voting and investment power with respect to all shares
beneficially owned, subject to community property laws where
applicable. Beneficial ownership is based on
43,227,522 shares of our common stock outstanding as of
March 1, 2010. |
(3) |
Includes 594,969 shares issuable upon the exercise of stock
options that are currently vested or will become vested within
60 days after March 1, 2010 and upon the delivery of
shares underlying restricted stock units deliverable within
60 days after March 1, 2010. |
(4) |
Includes 145,072 shares issuable upon the exercise of stock
options that are currently vested or will become vested within
60 days after March 1, 2010 and upon the delivery of
shares underlying restricted stock units deliverable within
60 days after March 1, 2010. |
(5) |
Includes 80,446 shares issuable upon the exercise of stock
options that are currently vested or will become vested within
60 days after March 1, 2010 and upon the delivery of
shares underlying restricted stock units deliverable within
60 days after March 1, 2010. |
(6) |
Includes 242,440 shares issuable upon the exercise of stock
options that are currently vested or will become vested within
60 days after March 1, 2010 and upon the delivery of
shares underlying restricted stock units deliverable within
60 days after March 1, 2010. |
(7) |
Represents shares issuable upon the exercise of stock options
that are currently vested or will become vested within
60 days after March 1, 2010. |
(8) |
Includes 40,000 shares issuable upon the exercise of stock
options that are currently vested or will become vested within
60 days after March 1, 2010. |
(9) |
Represents shares issuable upon the exercise of stock options
that are currently vested or will become vested within
60 days after March 1, 2010. |
(10) |
Represents shares issuable upon the exercise of stock options
that are currently vested or will become vested within
60 days after March 1, 2010. |
(11) |
Represents shares issuable upon the exercise of stock options
that are currently vested or will become vested within
60 days after March 1, 2010. |
(12) |
Represents shares of our common stock held by Royce &
Associates, LLC, referred to as Royce, in its capacity as
investment advisor for its clients that have the right to
receive or power to direct the receipt of dividends from, or the
proceeds from the sale of such shares. Such information is as
reported on Schedule 13G/A filed by Royce with the SEC on
January 26, 2010. The address for Royce is 745 Fifth
Avenue, New York, New York 10151. |
(13) |
Represents shares of our common stock held by BlackRock, Inc.
and certain of its affiliates, referred to as BlackRock. Such
information is as reported on Schedule 13G filed by
BlackRock with the SEC on January 8, 2010. The address for
BlackRock is 40 East
Street, New York, New York 10022. |
(14) |
Represents shares of our common stock held by Paradigm Capital
Management, Inc., referred to as Paradigm, in its capacity as
investment advisor for its clients that have the right to
receive or power to direct the receipt of dividends from, or the
proceeds from the sale of such shares. Such information is as
reported on Schedule 13G filed by Paradigm with the SEC on
February 12, 2010. The address for Paradigm is Nine Elk
Street, Albany, New York 12207. |
(15) |
Represents shares of our common stock held by FMR LLC, on behalf
of itself and its affiliates. Based on the information reported
on Schedule 13G/A filed by FMR LLC with the SEC on
February 16, 2010: (i) FMR LLC reported beneficial
ownership of 2,451,540 shares, sole voting power as to
125,290 of the shares, and sole dispositive power as to
2,451,540 of the shares; (ii) Fidelity
Management & Research Company, referred to as Fidelity
and a wholly owned subsidiary of FMR LLC, reported beneficial
ownership of 2,326,250 shares, and Edward C. Johnson 3d and
FMR LLC, through its control of Fidelity, each has sole
dispositive power as to 2,326,250 of the shares;
(iii) Pyramis Global Advisors, LLC, referred to as PGA and
an indirect wholly owned subsidiary of FMR LLC, reported
beneficial ownership of 112,761 of the shares, and Edward C.
Johnson 3d and FMR LLC, through its control of PGA, each has
sole voting and dispositive power as to 112,761 of the shares;
and (iv) Pyramis Global Advisors Trust Company, referred to
as PGATC and an indirect wholly owned subsidiary of FMR LLC,
reported beneficial ownership of 12,529 of the shares, and
Edward C. Johnson 3d and FMR LLC, through its control of PGATC,
has sole voting and dispositive power as to 12,529 of the
shares. The address for FMR LLC is 82 Devonshire Street, Boston,
Massachusetts 02109. |
(16) |
Represents shares of our common stock held by Dimensional
Fund Advisors LP, referred to as DFA. Such information is
as reported on Schedule 13G filed by DFA with the SEC on
February 8, 2010. DFA has sole voting power with respect to
2,077,044 shares and sole dispositive power with respect to
2,161,903 shares, and such shares are owned by four
investment companies and certain trusts and accounts to which
DFA provides investment advice. The address for DFA is Palisades
West, Building One, 6300 Bee Cave Road, Austin, Texas 78746. |
Section 16(a) of the Exchange Act requires our directors,
officers, and persons who own more than 10% of a registered
class of our securities to file reports of ownership and changes
in ownership with the Securities and Exchange Commission.
Directors, officers, and greater than 10% stockholders are
required by SEC regulations to furnish us with copies of all
Section 16(a) forms they file.
Based solely upon our review of the copies of such forms that we
received during the year ended December 31, 2009, and
written representations that no other reports were required, we
believe that each person who at any time during such year was a
director, officer, or beneficial owner of more than 10% of our
common stock complied with all Section 16(a) filing
requirements during 2009.
Philosophy and Objectives
Our executive compensation program, which is established by the
compensation committee of our board of directors, is intended to
attract, motivate, and retain executives and key employees and
reward the creation of stockholder value. We seek to provide
executive compensation packages that are competitive with other
similarly situated companies in our industry and reward the
achievement of short-term and long-term performance goals.
Our compensation philosophy generally targets base salary, total
cash compensation (base salary plus annual cash bonus), and
total compensation each at the 50th percentile of
comparable companies. However, our compensation committees
decisions on target compensation for specific individuals are
also influenced by a variety of additional factors, including
company and individual performance.
Our compensation committee decided not to increase the target
2009 total compensation for any of our executive officers in
light of the economic downturn and the cost containment
initiatives we implemented in 2009, including widespread salary
freezes, the closure of certain of our facilities, and
reductions in force. Our compensation committee froze the 2009
base salaries and target cash bonus awards and reduced
stock-based compensation for all of our executive officers.
For 2010, our compensation committee engaged a new outside
compensation consultant. That consultant developed a new peer
group for benchmarking purposes, a peer group that was selected
to take into account that our revenues will almost double as a
result of the PCB Combination. As discussed more fully below,
for 2010 our compensation committee determined to:
increase the base salaries of our officers after our
2009 company-wide salary freeze, as part of the
committees overall plan to adjust compensation levels over
time to approximate the 50th percentile of the new peer group;
increase the annual incentive bonus target levels (expressed as
a percentage of base salary) for each of our named executive
officers, bonuses that will continue to be based 100% on our
company-wide operating income performance;
suspend the grant of stock options to our named executive
add performance-based RSUs to our long-term incentive program in
order to strengthen
directly incorporate revenue and earnings before interest, tax,
depreciation and amortization expense (EBITDA)
objectives and, through the use of a modifier tied to our total
stockholder return, provide balance between retention and
linkage to stockholder value creation; and
calculate the number of shares of our common stock subject to
time-vest and performance RSUs by using the
trailing average closing sale price as of the date of grant,
thereby mitigating the effects of our stock price volatility.
An important principle driving our compensation programs is our
belief that it benefits all of our constituencies for
managements compensation to be tied to our companys
current and long-term performance. As a result, at-risk pay is
expected to comprise an increasingly significant portion of our
executive compensation, particularly for our most senior
officers. Our compensation committee is also sensitive to the
need to balance the interests of our executives with those of
our stockholders, especially when compensation decisions might
increase our cost structure or stockholder dilution.
Role of
the Compensation Committee
General. Our compensation committee, which is
comprised of three independent members of our board of
directors, as discussed in greater detail under
Information Relating to Corporate Governance and the Board
of Directors is responsible for, among other things,
the review and approval of our compensation philosophy;
the review of all executive compensation plans and structures,
including that of our executive officers and other members of
senior management;
the approval (or recommendation to our board of directors) of
individual compensation for our executive officers and other
members of senior management, including our chief executive
the approval of annual and long-term incentive performance
metrics, as well as payouts thereunder; and
the review of other executive benefit plans, including
Our compensation committee, in consultation with the independent
executive compensation consultant retained by our compensation
committee, also analyzes the reasonableness of our overall
executive compensation package. Our compensation committee has a
written charter that delineates its responsibilities, a full
copy of which is posted on our website at www.ttmtech.com.
While our chief executive officer and other executive officers
may attend meetings of the compensation committee or our board
of directors from time to time, the ultimate decisions regarding
executive officer compensation are made solely by the members of
our compensation committee or our board of directors. These
decisions are based not only on our compensation
committees or the board of directors deliberations,
but also from input requested from outside advisors, including
our compensation committees independent compensation
consultant, with respect to, among other things, market data
analyses. The final decisions relating to our chief executive
officers compensation have historically been made in
executive session by our board of directors without the presence
of management. Decisions regarding the other executive officers
have typically been made by our compensation committee after
considering recommendations from our chief executive officer.
Compensation Consultants. The compensation
committee periodically engages the services of outside
compensation consultants to provide advice in connection with
making executive compensation determinations. The chairman of
our compensation committee, in consultation with the other
members of our compensation committee, defines the scope of any
consultants engagement and related responsibilities. These
responsibilities may include, among other things, advising on
issues of executive compensation, equity compensation structure
or preparing compensation disclosure for inclusion in our SEC
filings. In fulfilling its responsibilities, the outside
compensation consultants may interact with management or our
other outside advisors to the extent necessary or appropriate.
Our compensation committee retained Pearl Meyer &
Partners as its outside compensation consultant for 2008 and
2009, with Pearl Meyer completing its most recent executive
compensation assessment in November 2008. In January 2010, our
compensation committee engaged Mercer to provide the committee
with an executive and director compensation assessment. Although
affiliates of Mercer have provided certain services to our
company as described above under Payments to Affiliates of
Compensation Consultants During 2009, Mercer has not been
retained to perform any consulting or advisory services for our
management team.
The compensation committees outside compensation
consultant provides analyses and recommendations that inform the
committees decisions, but it does not decide or approve
any compensation decisions. For 2010, Mercer advised the
chairman of our compensation committee on setting agenda items
for committee meetings, developed criteria used to identify peer
companies for executive compensation and performance
comparisons, and reviewed various proposals presented to the
committee by management. Mercer representatives met informally
with our human resources and other employees, and formally with
our compensation committee during its regular meetings,
including from time to time in executive session without
Management Role in Setting
Compensation. Members of our human resources and
finance departments work with our chief executive officer to
recommend changes to existing compensation plans and programs,
to recommend financial and other targets to be achieved under
those programs, to prepare analyses of financial data and other
briefing materials to assist the committee in making its
decisions and, ultimately, to implement the decisions of our
compensation committee.
Our chief executive officer is actively engaged in setting
compensation for other executives through a variety of means,
including recommending for committee approval the financial
goals and the annual variable pay amounts for his executive
team. He works closely with other members of executive
management in analyzing relevant
market data to determine base salary and annual target bonus
opportunities for senior management and to develop targets for
our short- and long-term incentive plans. Our chief executive
officer is subject to the same financial performance goals as
our other named executive officers, all of which are ultimately
determined and approved by our compensation committee.
Although the final structure may vary from year to year and
officer to officer, our compensation committee utilizes three
main components for executive officer compensation:
Base Salary fixed pay that takes into account
an individuals duties and responsibilities, experience,
expertise, and individual performance;
Annual Incentive Bonus variable cash
compensation that takes into account our financial performance
during a particular year; and
Long-Term Incentives stock-based awards,
including stock options or restricted stock units that reflect
the performance of our common stock and align executive officer
and stockholder interests.
Pay Mix. In determining the allocation each
year among current cash compensation, short-term cash
compensation, and long-term equity incentive compensation, our
compensation committee considers the following factors: our
short and long-term business objectives, competitive trends
within our industry, and the importance of creating a
performance-based environment that ties a significant portion of
each executive officers compensation to the achievement of
performance targets and corporate objectives. When considering a
proposed compensation package for an executive officer, our
compensation committee considers the compensation package as a
whole, including each element of total compensation. We have no
pre-established policy for allocating between either cash and
non-cash or short-term or long-term compensation.
Our compensation committee believes that the particular elements
of compensation identified above produce a well-balanced mix of
stock-based compensation, retention value, and at-risk
compensation that provide the executive officer with both
short-term and long-term performance incentives. Base pay
provides the executive officer with a measure of security as to
the minimum level of compensation he or she will receive while
the annual and long-term incentive components motivate the
executive officer to focus on the business metrics that will
produce a high level of company performance over the long-term.
Our compensation committee believes that this approach not only
leads to increases in stockholder value and provides an
appropriate reward for our executive officers, but also reduces
the risk of loss of executive officers to competitors.
While each of the elements of our compensation program are
intended to motivate and encourage employees at all levels to
drive performance and achieve superior results for our
stockholders, there is a different emphasis on the three primary
elements based on an employees position and ability to
impact our financial results. In general, the percentage of
performance-based pay, or at risk pay, increases with job
responsibility. This is intended to offer an opportunity for
gain in the event of successful performance, matched with the
prospect of reduced compensation in the absence of success. The
aggregate base pay for our four named executive officers
comprised approximately 42% of the value of the aggregate
compensation opportunities (base salary, annual incentive
bonuses, and long-term incentives) provided them for the 2009
fiscal year. This allocation was consistent with our
compensation committees overall
philosophy with respect to our executive officers, as defined
under Executive Compensation Fiscal Year 2009
Summary Compensation Table.
For 2010, compensation for our named executive officers has been
structured so that approximately two-thirds of compensation
consists of equity awards or is otherwise performance-based and
dependent on our financial results, with the remaining one-third
comprising base salary. Within the portion of compensation
representing performance-based pay, approximately 37% to 42% is
tied to achievement of 2010 incentive goals and 32% to 37% is
tied to achievement of financial goals and total stockholder
return over a longer period of time. Our compensation committee
believes that this mix of short- and long-term incentives
provides sufficient rewards in the short-term to motivate
near-term performance, while at the same time providing
significant incentives to keep our executives focused on
longer-term goals that drive stockholder value. This also
mitigates the risk of named executive officers
focusing solely on short-term or solely on long-term goals, and
offers retention value as the compensation is received over an
extended term.
Total compensation for specific individuals varies based on a
number of factors in addition to company and individual
performance, including scope of duties, tenure, institutional
knowledge, horizontal equity,
and/or level
of difficulty in recruiting a replacement executive.
Compensation Levels and Benchmarking. Overall
compensation levels for executive officers are determined based
on one or more of the following factors: the individuals
duties and responsibilities within our company, the
individuals experience and expertise, the compensation
levels for the individuals peers within our company,
compensation levels for similar positions in the PCB industry or
in the technology industry more generally, performance of the
individual and our company as a whole, and the levels of
compensation necessary to recruit new executive officers. Each
year our compensation committee reviews the compensation of our
officers and compares it with that of our peer group companies.
This process starts with the selection of an appropriate group
of peer companies for comparison purposes. Such peer group is
not used for the performance graph included in our Annual Report
Form 10-K
for the year ended December 31, 2009.
In computing salary changes, cash bonus opportunities, and
long-term incentive awards for 2009, our compensation committee
worked with its then compensation consultant (Pearl
Meyer & Partners), with input from management, to
develop a list of comparable companies for the purpose of
benchmarking executive compensation. Numerous factors went into
the selection of the comparable companies, including targeting
businesses with operations in the electronic components industry
with comparable financial measures, such as revenues (generally
between $300 million and $900 million) and market
capitalization (generally between $150 million and
$1.5 billion). The following 17 companies, along with
survey data, were used for benchmarking purposes for 2009:
Advanced Energy Industries
Netgear, Inc.
Black Box Corporation
OSI Systems, Inc.
Ceradyne, Inc.
Newport Corporation
CTS Corporation
EMS Technologies, Inc.
Powerwave Technologies
Hutchinson Tech
RF Micro Devices, Inc.
Merix Corporation
SMART Modular Technologies
Methode Electronics, Inc.
Stone Ridge, Inc.
Multi-Fineline Electronix, Inc.
Although our compensation committees general objective has
historically been to target total compensation for executive
officers at approximately the 50th percentile, executive
compensation decisions for 2009 were influenced significantly by
the economic downturn, our decision to implement a widespread
salary freeze, and our previously announced plant closures and
reductions in force. Accordingly, our compensation committee did
not increase the overall target compensation or any individual
element of compensation for our executive officers for 2009.
In making compensation decisions for 2010, our compensation
committee interviewed a number of outside compensation
consultants. In January 2010, our compensation committee engaged
Mercer (US) Inc., which we refer to as Mercer, to provide the
committee with an executive and director compensation
assessment. Mercer agreed to review and revise our
companys peer group, analyze peer proxy data, benchmark
executives, evaluate long-term incentive vehicles, conduct
high-level assessment of annual and long-term performance
measures, and develop and recommend changes to remuneration
levels and design. Mercer was also asked to provide its opinion
on the use of performance-based equity.
For its 2010 executive compensation assessment, Mercer developed
a new, rules-based group that was designed to reflect our
projected size, assuming the completion of our then contemplated
PCB Combination, and market for executive talent. Under this
approach, the peer group companies were determined using four
screening levels: (1) U.S. publicly traded companies;
(2) inclusion in certain industry-specific categories
within the general
information technology sector, excluding software but including
electronic manufacturing services (EMS), semiconductors,
electronic equipment manufacturers, electronic equipment and
instruments, computer storage and peripherals, and
communications equipment; (3) revenue between approximately
$500 million and $2.5 billion; and (4) firms in
the EMS and semiconductor GICS (Global Industry Classification
as well as several aerospace and defense component manufacturing
companies to take into account our exposure to that
Our compensation committee believes that the use of this
methodology produced an appropriate peer group for comparison,
as well as a peer group that is large and diverse enough so that
the addition or elimination of a limited number of companies
would not materially alter the overall analysis. Mercer
ultimately selected the following 20 companies which, along
with survey data, were used for benchmarking purposes for 2010:
Benchmark Electronics
CTS Corporation
Multi-Fineline Electronix
National Semiconductor
Novellus Systems
Lam Research
RF Micro Devices
Linear Technology
Skyworks Solutions
Maxim Integrated Products
Teledyne Technologies
Microchip Technology
Trimble Navigation
The peer groups proxy statements provide detailed pay data
for their top five officers. Survey data provides compensation
information from a broader group of information technology
companies. Our compensation committee, with the assistance of
its advisors, generally considers data from these sources in
developing a market composite which it uses as a framework for
making compensation decisions for each named executive
officers position. Our new peer group contains companies
with median revenues of $1.1 billion and median market
capitalization of $2.1 billion. Our compensation committee
was cognizant of the fact that the anticipated growth in our
companys revenues, operating income, and cash flow from
operations was dependent on the timely consummation of our then
contemplated PCB Combination with Meadville. Accordingly, our
compensation committee determined to target the base salaries
and long-term incentive programs for our named executive
officers at approximately the
percentile of our new peer group over a three-year period, with
increases expected to be phased in over that three-year period.
Our compensation committee intends to continue its practice of
retaining executive compensation consultants from time to time,
as our compensation committee deems appropriate, to advise our
compensation committee with respect to its compensation policies
and provide compensation data from comparable companies.
Risk Management Considerations. Our
compensation committee believes that our performance-based bonus
and equity programs create incentives to create long-term
shareholder value. Several elements of the programs are designed
to promote the creation of long-term value and thereby
discourage behavior that leads to excessive risk:
Our compensation committee believes that operating income, the
financial metric used in 2009 and 2010 to determine the amount
of an executives annual incentive bonus, is a measure that
drives long-term stockholder value. Moreover, the committee
attempts to set ranges for this metric that encourages success
without encouraging excessive risk taking to achieve short-term
results. In addition, the overall annual incentive bonus for
each of our named executive officers never exceeds 140% of the
target amount (230% in the case of our chief executive officer),
no matter how much financial performance exceeds the ranges
established at the beginning of the year.
The measures used to determine vesting of our new
performance-based restricted stock units granted in 2010 will be
based on rolling three-year performance periods. The committee
believes that these three-year performance periods encourage
executives to attain sustained performance over several periods,
rather than performance in a single period.
Stock options become exercisable over a three year period and
remain exercisable for up to ten years from the date of grant,
encouraging executives to look to long-term appreciation in
equity values. Our time vest RSUs also vest over a three-year
Named Executive Officer Compensation
Base Salary. Base salaries are set with regard
to the level of the position within our company and the
individuals current and sustained performance. The base
salary levels, and any increases or decreases to those levels
for each executive, are reviewed and approved each year by our
compensation committee. Such adjustments may be based on factors
such as the overall performance of our company, new roles and
responsibilities assumed by the executive, the performance of
the executive officers area of responsibility, the
executive officers impact on strategic goals, the length
of service with our company, or revisions to our compensation
philosophy. However, there is no specific weighting applied to
any one factor in setting the level of base salary, and the
process ultimately relies on the subjective exercise of our
compensation committees judgment. Although salaries are
generally targeted at market median, based on our peer group and
relevant compensation survey data, our compensation committee
may also take into account historical compensation, potential as
a key contributor, and special recruiting situations. We believe
that providing base salaries at or near the industry median will
enable us to remain competitive for qualified executive officers
while avoiding paying amounts in excess of what we believe
necessary to attract and retain such executive officers.
Base Salaries for Fiscal Year 2009. Base
salary deliberations for 2009 were conducted from November 2008
to February 2009. Mr. Alder, our chief executive officer,
met with our compensation committee to present recommendations
for each of our executive officers (other than himself). After
reviewing the market study data and individual performance
evaluations for each such executive officer and discussing them
with Mr. Alder, our compensation committee ultimately
decided to freeze the base salaries for all of our executive
officers. This decision was based primarily on the economic
downturn, our companys decision to implement a widespread
salary freeze, and our previously announced plant closures and
reductions in force.
Base Salary
Kenton K. Alder
Steven W. Richards
Shane S. Whiteside
Douglas L. Soder
Base Salaries for Fiscal Year 2010. Base
salary deliberations for the 2010 fiscal year were conducted
from December 2009 to March 2010.
Analyzing our new peer group, Mercer concluded that the 2009
base salaries of our officers ranged between the
percentile and the market median of the new peer group, also
noting that our pay mix was more weighted to base salaries than
our peer group. Following discussion with Mercer, our
compensation committee determined to adjust the salaries of our
executive officers, over a three-year period, to target the
percentile for our new peer group.
Mr. Alder, our chief executive officer, met with our
compensation committee to present recommendations for each of
our executive officers (other than himself). After reviewing the
market study data and individual performance evaluations for
each such executive officer and discussing them with
Mr. Alder, our compensation committee approved the
recommended base salary increases with some limited
modifications, after determining that the increases were
generally consistent with the intention to target over time the
percentile for our new peer group, as adjusted to reflect each
individuals position and expected contribution to our
Our compensation committee similarly reviewed the chief
executive officer compensation market data as well as
performance evaluations for Mr. Alder from his direct
reports and members of our board of directors. The compensation
committee ultimately recommended, and our board of directors
approved, increasing the base salary for Mr. Alder in 2010.
The increases in base pay for the executive officers, including
Mr. Alder, became effective March 22, 2010. A summary
of base salary increases made for fiscal year 2010 is outlined
below for each of our chief executive officer, chief financial
officer and our two other executive officers, which we refer to
collectively as our named executive officers.
Base Salary
Kenton K. Alder
Steven W. Richards
Shane S. Whiteside
Douglas L. Soder
Annual Incentive Bonus Program. In addition to
base salaries, our compensation committee believes that annual
performance-based cash bonuses play an important role in
providing incentives to our executive officers to achieve
near-term performance goals. For 2009 and 2010, to support
collaboration within the senior management group, our
compensation committee determined to reward all of our named
executive officers for company-wide performance by tying bonus
awards solely to our operating income. Each named executive
officer has a target annual incentive bonus opportunity,
expressed as a percentage of base salary, with the ability to
earn above or below that target based on our companys
actual performance.
Because such a large percentage of executive officer
compensation is performance-based, our compensation committee
spends significant time determining the financial targets for
our annual cash bonus program. In general, management makes the
initial recommendation for the financial targets, and these
recommendations are reviewed and discussed by the committee and
its advisors. The major factors used in setting targets for a
particular year are the results for the most recently-completed
year; other factors taken into account may include general
economic and market conditions. Our compensation committee sets
the final corporate performance goals during our first quarter,
typically at a level our compensation committee believes are
challenging, but reasonable, for management to achieve.
At the end of each year, our compensation committee determines
the level of achievement for the specified financial goal (after
making any appropriate adjustments to such goal for the effects
of corporate events that were not anticipated in establishing
the performance measure) and awards credit for the achievement
of the goal as a percentage of the target bonus. Final
determinations as to bonus levels are then based on that
percentage. Actual bonuses are generally paid to the executives
in the first quarter of the subsequent fiscal year.
As it has done in the past, in the future our compensation
committee may choose to measure the named executive
officers achievement against specific business unit or
individual performance targets as well as corporate goals.
2009 Annual Incentive Bonuses. For 2009, the
target percentages were set at levels that, upon achievement of
100% of the established corporate performance goal, were likely
to result in bonus payments that our compensation committee
believed to be at the median for target bonus amounts for
comparable executives at our then peer companies. More
specifically, for 2009, our compensation committee established
target bonus awards (as a percentage of base salary) of 55%
(with a maximum of 120%) for Messrs. Richards, Soder, and
Whiteside. Our board of directors, upon recommendation by our
compensation committee, established a target bonus award for
Mr. Alder of 70% (with a maximum of 170%) of his base
In 2009, our compensation committee determined that, in light of
the economic downturn and our then current stock price, the
potential bonus payments for 2009 for our executive officers
should be based solely on our companys financial
performance as measured by operating income. As a result, 100%
of the 2009 annual incentive bonus for Messrs. Richards,
Soder, and Whiteside was determined based on achieving budgeted
operating income of $50 million, after excluding building
and other significant asset impairments, plant closure and
related layoff costs, and acquisition costs. The compensation
committee believes operating income is a good indicator in
capturing our success given the market in which we compete and
is a measure that management can easily track and communicate to
employees throughout the performance period. The board of
directors also based our chief executive officers 2009
annual incentive bonus award exclusively on company-wide
operating income performance. A summary of the 2009 performance
opportunity and relative payout for each of our named executive
officers is outlined below:
Annual Incentive Bonus Levels as % of Base Salary
of Target(1)
of Target
of Target
of Target(2)
Kenton K. Alder
Steven W. Richards
Shane S. Whiteside
Douglas L. Soder
(1) |
Represents the percentage of 2009 base salary that the executive
was eligible to receive if we achieved 50% of the operating
income target established by our board of directors. Bonuses
would not have been earned if operating income had been less
than 50% of target. |
(2) |
Represents maximum potential bonus payout for 2009. |
For fiscal year 2009, we earned operating income of
$45.8 million (after excluding building and other
significant asset impairments, plant closure and related layoff
costs, and acquisition costs), or 91.6% of the target, resulting
in a payout of approximately 43% of base salary for each of our
named executive officers (other than Mr. Alder, who
received a payout of 55% of his base salary).
2009 Actual Bonus
Kenton K. Alder
Steven W. Richards
Shane S. Whiteside
Douglas L. Soder
2010 Annual Incentive Bonuses. For 2010, our
compensation committee determined to again base the annual
bonuses of our named executive officers solely on our
company-wide operating income, after excluding the results of
the acquired Meadville PCB operations, compensation expense
attributable to our new PRU program described below, goodwill
impairment, building and other significant asset sales, asset
write-downs, plant closure and related layoff costs, and
residual acquisition costs. Our compensation committee also
increased the minimum annual incentive bonus threshold to 60% of
the target 2010 operating income and increased target bonus
awards (as a percentage of base salary) from 55% to 65% for each
of Messrs. Richards, Whiteside and Soder, with the maximum
increased from 120% to 140%. Our board of directors, upon
recommendation by our compensation committee, increased the 2010
target bonus award for Mr. Alder from 70% to 95%, with his
maximum award increased from 170% to 230%. Actual incentive
bonus payouts for 2010 performance will be determined by our
compensation committee and our board of directors and paid in
early 2011, and may be above or below target bonus levels.
The table below lists the 2010 base salaries and bonus levels
for each of our named executive officers.
Annual Incentive Bonus Levels as % of Base Salary
of Target(1)
of Target
of Target
of Target(2)
Kenton K. Alder
Steven W. Richards
Shane S. Whiteside
Douglas L. Soder
(1) |
Represents the percentage of 2010 base salary that the executive
will receive (assuming applicable individual performance goals
are met and discretionary portion is paid in full) if we achieve
60% of the operating income |
target established by our board of directors. Bonuses will not
be earned if operating income is less than 60% of the target. |
(2) |
Represents maximum potential bonus payout. |
Equity Awards. We believe that providing a
significant portion of our executive officers total
compensation package in equity awards aligns the incentives of
our executives with the interests of our stockholders and with
our long-term success. By compensating our executives with our
equity, our executives hold a stake in our companys
financial future, and the gains realized in the long term depend
on the executives ability to drive our financial
performance. Equity incentive awards are also a useful vehicle
for attracting and retaining executive talent in a competitive
Our compensation committee and our board of directors develop
their equity award determinations based on their judgments as to
whether the total compensation packages provided to our
executive officers, including prior equity awards and the level
of vested and unvested equity awards then held by each
participating officer, are sufficient to retain, motivate, and
adequately reward the executive officers. This judgment is based
in part on information provided by benchmarking studies. The
compensation committee has historically targeted the value of
the equity awards at or near the 50th percentile of our
peer group. In addition, our compensation committee considers
the accounting costs that will be reflected in our financial
statements when establishing the forms of equity to be granted
and the size of the grants as well as the potential dilution
associated with the equity awards.
We grant equity awards through our 2006 Equity Incentive Plan,
which was adopted by our board of directors and approved by our
stockholders and permits the grant of stock options, stock
appreciation rights, restricted shares, restricted stock units,
performance shares, and other stock-based awards to our
officers, directors, employees, and consultants. The material
terms of the 2006 Equity Incentive Plan are described below
under Executive Compensation 2006 Equity
Incentive Plan.
Historically we have used two forms of equity for long-term
equity incentive compensation: stock options and restricted
stock units (RSUs):
Stock Options. Options provide an incentive
for executives to drive long-term share price appreciation
through the development and execution of effective long-term
strategies. Stock option value is only realized if the trading
price of our common stock increases. Stock options are issued
with exercise prices at 100% of the grant-date fair market value
to assure that executives will receive a benefit only when the
trading price increases. Option awards generally have value for
the executive only if the executive remains employed for the
period required for the shares to vest. Starting in 2008, our
options have vested as to one-third of the covered shares on
each of the first three anniversaries of the grant date, and, if
not exercised, expire in a maximum of 10 years (or earlier
in the case of termination of employment). In 2009, we granted
options to purchase 110,000 shares to our named executive
Restricted Stock Units (RSUs). RSUs represent
the right to receive one share of our common stock for each RSU
upon the settlement date, which is the date on which certain
conditions, such as continued employment with us for a
pre-determined length of time, are satisfied. Starting in 2007,
we elected to substitute a percentage of the named executive
officers equity incentive award value, which had
historically been provided with only stock options, with RSUs.
This change was made to enhance the retention of named executive
officers and balance the more volatile rewards associated with
stock options. Our compensation committee believes that RSUs
align the interests of the named executive officers with the
interests of the stockholders because the value of these awards
appreciate if the trading price of our common stock appreciates,
and also have retention value even during periods in which our
trading price does not appreciate, which supports continuity in
the senior management team. Shares of our stock are issued to
RSU holders as the awards vest. Historically, the vesting
schedule for RSUs granted to our named executive officers
provided that each award vests in three equal annual
installments. In 2009, we granted RSUs for an aggregate of
645,337 shares of our common stock to a total of
145 employees, of which RSUs for 196,266 shares were
issued to our named executive officers.
In recent periods our compensation committee has weighted equity
awards more towards RSUs than stock options because these awards
reflect both increases and decreases in stock prices from the
grant-date market prices and thus tie compensation more closely
to changes in stockholder value at all levels compared to
options, whose
intrinsic value changes only when the market price of shares is
above the exercise price. In addition, RSUs allow our
compensation committee to deliver equivalent value with use of
fewer authorized shares. Changes in the accounting treatment for
stock options also made them less attractive relative to RSUs,
and stock options now represent a smaller percentage of
long-term compensation than they did in prior years. For 2009,
approximately 61% of the named executive officers equity
incentive award value was granted in the form of RSUs and
approximately 39% in the form of stock options. Our compensation
committee determined to grant only RSUs, and no stock options,
to named executive officers in 2010. The compensation committee
replaced the stock options with performance-based RSUs, which it
believes provide a more effective means to align stockholders
interests with those of management.
Our compensation committee may in the future adjust the mix of
equity award types or approve different awards, such as
restricted stock, as part of the overall long-term incentive
award. Awards made in connection with a new, extended or
expanded employment relationship may involve a different mix of
RSUs and options depending on our compensation committees
assessment of the total compensation package being offered.
2009 Equity Awards. For 2009, our compensation
committee reviewed market trends regarding the magnitude and mix
of equity compensation issued to employees and executives among
comparable companies, and reassessed the relative advantages and
disadvantages of issuing various forms of equity compensation in
connection with establishing the executive compensation
packages. The compensation committee concluded that the issuance
of restricted stock units during fiscal year 2009 would continue
to be a more motivating form of incentive compensation for our
employees and would permit us to issue fewer shares, thereby
reducing the potential dilutive impact on our stockholders.
However, our compensation committee also believed that the
executive officers should also receive a portion of their equity
compensation in the form of stock options to strengthen the
linkage between executive compensation and increased stockholder
value. For 2009, our compensation committee approved the
issuance of equity that resulted in targeted total compensation
for the executive officers at approximately the
50th percentile of the then benchmark data. Our chief
executive officer received the highest proportion of option
value to the total equity value.
Noting the then current trading price of our stock, our
compensation committee decided to decrease the dollar value of
RSUs awarded in 2009 from 2008, but increased the number of
shares subject to the RSUs, calculating the amount of RSUs to be
awarded in 2009 based on the
trailing average closing price ($6.47) of our common stock as of
March 5, 2009, the date of grant. Our compensation
committee also decided to award the same number of stock options
in 2009 as our executive officers received in 2008
The following table sets forth the estimated value of our 2009
equity awards and the number of restricted stock units and stock
options awarded to our named executive officers in 2009.
Dollar Value
Number of
Number of Stock
of RSUs(1)
Kenton K. Alder
Steven W. Richards
Shane S. Whiteside
Douglas L. Soder
(1) |
The number of RSUs awarded was calculated using a dollar value
per share of $6.47, which was the six-month trailing average
closing price as of March 5, 2009, the grant date. On
March 5, 2009, the closing sales price for our stock was
$4.34. |
(2) |
One-third of the restricted stock units vest on each of the
first three anniversaries of the grant date. |
(3) |
One quarter of the stock options listed were issued on the date
of each of our regularly scheduled quarterly board of directors
meetings (February 12, May 7, August 5 and
November 5, 2009). The exercise price for the stock options
was equal to the closing sale price on the date of grant. The
options granted to our four named executive officers in 2009
have an average per share exercise price of $8.99. One-third of
the stock options granted will vest on each of the first three
anniversaries of the grant date. |
2010 Equity Awards. For 2010, our compensation
committee determined to replace stock options with a
performance-based element to our long term incentive program in
order to strengthen
Accordingly, in March 2010, our compensation committee approved
a new long-term incentive program (the PRU Program)
for our executive officers. Under this program,
performance-based RSUs, referred to as performance-based
restricted units (PRUs), are awarded to
eligible employees. PRU awards are intended to reward employees
to the extent we achieve specific pre-established financial
performance goals and provide a long-term return to our
stockholders relative to a broader market index. Implementation
of this program represented an important step taken by our
compensation committee to drive a
culture with a component explicitly linked to total stockholder
return. It was also consistent with the direction being taken by
several of our new peer group companies.
Under the PRU Program, a target number of PRUs is awarded at the
beginning of each three-year performance period. The number of
shares of our common stock released at the end of the
performance period will range from zero to 2.4 times the target
number depending on performance during the period. The
performance metrics of the PRU Program are (a) annual
financial targets, which for 2010 are based on revenues and
EBITDA, each of which performance metrics is equally weighted,
and (b) an overall modifier based on our
companys total stockholder return (TSR)
relative to the S&P SmallCap 600, which we refer to as the
S&P 600, over the three-year performance
period. The calculation of EBITDA will exclude compensation
expense attributable to the PRU program, goodwill impairment,
building and other significant asset sales, asset write-downs,
plant closure and related layoff costs, and residual acquisition
costs. Payouts under the PRU Program are based on rolling
three-year performance periods, and the annual financial metrics
for future years may be different from those selected for 2010.
Each PRU will be equal in value to one share of our common
stock. Recipients of PRU awards generally must remain employed
by us on a continuous basis through the end of the relevant
performance period in order to receive any amount of the PRUs
covered by that award, except that recipients may be entitled to
a pro-rata amount of PRUs in the case of the recipients
death, disability or approved retirement.
The key 2010 financial metrics of revenue and EBITDA are equally
weighted under our PRU Program. The metric of EBITDA is
generally intended to focus our executives on tangible growth
and cost reduction opportunities. Our compensation committee
believes that it is a key metric that both drives and
demonstrates improved financial performance within our company.
It is also a complementary metric to the revenue metric used
under the PRU Program for 2010. The combination of the two
performance metrics limits the ability of an executive to be
rewarded for taking excessive risk on behalf of our company by,
for example, seeking revenue-enhancing opportunities at the
expense of EBITDA, since performance is required on both metrics
to maximize payout under the PRU Program. The performance
targets established by our compensation committee are used
solely for compensation purposes and should not be understood to
be managements expectations or guidance relating to future
financial performance.
The TSR modifier is intended to ensure that there are no payouts
or limited payouts under the PRU Program if our stock
performance is below the median TSR of S&P
600 companies for the three-year performance period. Where
the annual financial goals (revenue and EBITDA for
2010) have been met and where there has been strong
relative TSR performance over the three-year performance period,
the PRU Program may provide substantial rewards to participants
with respect to that performance period. However, even if
revenue and EBITDA goals are achieved in each of the three
years, there may be no or limited payouts if our stock
performance is below that of the median TSR of S&P
600 companies.
Under the PRU Program, financial goals are set at the beginning
of each fiscal year, and performance is reviewed at the end of
that year. For 2010, the annual financial goals are revenue and
EBITDA. The percentage to be applied to each participants
target award ranges from zero to 160%, based upon the extent to
which the two annual performance goals are achieved. If we do
not achieve a 60% threshold level of revenue or EBITDA
performance for the year, the amount earned for that performance
element of one-third of the award is zero. If we achieve the 60%
threshold for both the targeted levels of revenue and EBITDA
performance for the year, a percentage (ranging on a sliding
scale from 40% to 160%) will be applied to one-third of the
participants PRU award to determine the number of units
earned during that year. If we achieve 120% or more of the
target level of revenue or EBITDA, the amount earned for that
performance element of the award will be 160% of one-third of
the initial PRU award. For example, if a named executive officer
receives an award of 234,000 PRUs, we continue to use revenue
as our annual financial goals for 2011 and 2012 and we achieve
(i) 130% of the revenue target and 60% of the EBITDA target
in the first year, (ii) 100% of each of the revenue and
EBITDA targets the second year, and (iii) 120% of the
revenue target and 55% of the EBITDA target the third year, the
participant will earn (and bank, pending application
of the TSR modifier) 218,400 PRUs ((160% x 39,000) + (40% x
39,000) + (100% x 39,000) + (100% x 39,000) + (160% x 39,000) +
(0 x 39,000)).
At the end of the three-year performance period, the total units
earned, if any, are adjusted by applying a modifier based on our
companys TSR based on stock price changes (using for the
2010 awards the 6 month trailing average closing price at
January 1, 2010 compared to the 6 month trailing
average closing price at December 31, 2012), assuming
reinvestment of dividends, relative to the TSR of S&P
600 companies for the three-year period. If our TSR is in
the bottom 20th percentile of the S&P 600, the modifier
will be zero, and no shares will be released with respect to
that three-year performance period. If our TSR is at or above
the 80th percentile of S&P 600 companies for the
period, the maximum modifier of 150% will apply, and the number
of shares released will equal 150% of the number of units earned
during the period with respect to annual financial metric
performance. If our TSR is between the 20th and 50th percentile
of the S&P 600, the modifier will range on a sliding scale
between .70 and 1.0. If our TSR is between the 50th and 80th
percentile of the S&P 600, the modifier will range on a
sliding scale between 1.0 and 1.5. For example, if a participant
was credited with 218,400 PRUs at the end of the performance
period and our TSR for that three-year period was at the 80th
percentile of the S&P 600, a total of 327,600 shares
of our common stock would be released to the participant for
that period (218,400 x 150% = 327,600).
To achieve the maximum payout (240% of the initial PRU award),
we must achieve the maximum annual financial goals for each of
the three years in the relevant performance period and our TSR
must meet or exceed the
percentile of the TSRs of S&P 600 companies for that
period. Award values will reflect changes in stock price (both
increases and decreases) over the three-year period because
awards are denominated in stock units payable in shares.
At its March 2010 meeting, our compensation committee set the
PRU revenue and EBITDA goals for fiscal 2010. The revenue and
EBITDA goals were based on our board-approved 2010 budget for
our company, as well as the projected performance of Meadville
during the second, third and fourth fiscal quarters of 2010, as
provided to our board by Meadville and used in connection with
the preparation of the fairness opinion rendered to our board in
connection with its approval of the Meadville transaction. The
target levels associated with Meadvilles revenue and
EBITDA for the second quarter of 2010 will be pro-rated to
reflect that the PCB Combination was not consummated until
April 8, 2010. The annual financial performance goal or
goals for 2011 and 2012 will be established in the first quarter
of each of those subsequent years, and may or may not be based
on our revenue
EBITDA in those years. Whether these or any units earned in
subsequent years will be paid out in shares at the end of any
three-year performance period will depend on our TSR during that
period, which is not determinable until the end of the
three-year period.
Primarily because of the potential dilutive impact of options
and its desire to strengthen
our compensation committee determined to not make option grants
to named executive officers in 2010.
Our compensation committee established a total long-term
incentive target amount for each named executive officer in
fiscal 2010, and awarded 55% of that amount in the form of PRUs,
with the remaining amount awarded in the form of RSUs with
time-based vesting. This mix of performance-based and time-based
awards reflects our compensation committees increasing
emphasis on
with both types of awards also providing a measure of retention
value, which is also an important component of the
committees overall executive compensation philosophy. The
following table sets forth the estimated value of our 2010
equity awards and the number of time vest RSUs and PRUs awarded
to our executive officers for 2010.
Dollar Value of RSUs(1)
Number of RSUs(1)
Time Vest(2)
Time Vest(2)
Kenton K. Alder
Steven W. Richards
Shane S. Whiteside
Douglas L. Soder
(1) |
The number of RSUs awarded was calculated using a dollar value
per share of $10.55, which was the six-month trailing average
closing price of our common stock as of March 25, 2010, the
grant date. On March 25, 2010, the closing sales price for
our common stock was $9.14. |
(2) |
One-third of the restricted stock units vest on each of the
first three anniversaries of the grant date. |
Pension Benefits. None of our executive
officers participate in or have account balances in qualified or
non-qualified defined benefit plans sponsored by us. The
compensation committee may elect to adopt qualified or
non-qualified defined benefit plans in the future if the
Committee determines that doing so is in our best interests.
Nonqualified Deferred Compensation. None of
our executive officers participate in or have account balances
in nonqualified defined contribution plans or other nonqualified
deferred compensation plans maintained by us. The compensation
committee may elect to provide our executive officers and other
employees with nonqualified defined contribution or other
nonqualified deferred compensation benefits in the future if the
Committee determines that doing so is in our best interests.
Other Compensation. All of our executive
officers are eligible to participate in our employee benefit
plans, including medical, dental, life insurance, and 401(k)
plans. These plans are available to all salaried employees and
do not discriminate in favor of executive officers. It is
generally our policy to not extend significant perquisites to
executives that are not broadly available to our other
employees. In designing these elements, we seek to provide an
overall level of benefits that are competitive with those
offered by similarly situated companies in the markets in which
we operate based upon our general understanding of industry
Employment Agreements. We maintain an
employment agreement with Mr. Alder that is described under
Employment Agreements with Named Executive Officers.
The compensation committee determined that the compensation
package provided under this agreement was fair and reasonable on
the basis of its assessment of comparable compensation
opportunities available to our chief executive officer.
Severance Payments due Upon Termination
and/or a
Change in Control. We currently provide for the
accelerated vesting of stock options and restricted stock units
that otherwise would have vested during the one year period
beginning on the date of consummation of any change in
control. In addition, we provide for accelerated vesting
of all stock options and restricted stock units in the event of
a change in control and subsequent termination of
employment without cause within twelve months
The compensation committee believes that for senior executives,
including our named executive officers, accelerated vesting of
stock options and restricted stock units in the event of a
change in control is generally appropriate because in some
change in control situations, equity of the target company is
cancelled making immediate acceleration necessary in order to
preserve the value of the award. In addition, as previously
discussed, we rely primarily on incentive awards to provide our
named executive officers with the opportunity to accumulate
substantial resources to fund their retirement income, and our
compensation committee believes that a change in control event
is an appropriate liquidation point for awards designed for such
purpose. We also believe that it is appropriate to require a
termination of employment within one year following a change in
control before full vesting is accelerated. We presume that such
a termination would likely be due to the change in control and
not the employees performance and therefore the award
should be earned. For executives not terminated within one year
of a change in control, the executives would continue to vest in
their awards as they contribute to the success of the surviving
In addition, certain executives, including each of our named
executive officers, receive cash severance in certain
circumstances that result in termination of employment. These
payments are intended to provide a level of transition
assistance in the event of an involuntary termination of
employment and to keep executives focused on our business rather
than their personal circumstances. In March 2010, our board of
directors approved an amendment to Mr. Alders
employment agreement to increase the severance payment payable
to him in connection with change in control-related involuntary
terminations of employment from 18 months of continued base
salary payments to a lump sum payment equal to three
(3) times the sum of Mr. Alders then base salary
plus his Target Bonus (the bonus an executive would
have received with respect to the year in which he was
terminated assuming achievement of 100% of the performance
target level(s) associated with such bonus).
Mr. Alders severance
payment for other involuntary terminations was increased from
18 months of continued base salary payments to a lump sum
payment equal to two (2) times the sum of
Mr. Alders then base salary and Target Bonus. Our
board also approved a new executive change in control severance
agreement that we will enter into with each of our named
executive officers, except Mr. Alder, increasing each
officers change in control lump sum severance payment to
two (2) times the executives then base salary and
Target Bonus. The compensation committee believes these
provisions are fair and reasonable based on its understanding of
market practices among industry competitors noted above and
within the broader environment of technology companies and
similarly sized businesses.
Calculations of the payments due to our named executive officers
upon certain terminations of employment
and/or in
connection with a change in control are set forth under
Potential Payments upon Termination or Change in
Control. We believe these severance benefits are an
essential element of our compensation package for executive
officers and assist us in recruiting and retaining talented
individuals. In addition, we believe that it is more equitable
to offer severance benefits based on a standard formula
determined as a multiple of base pay and incentive bonus
opportunity because severance often serves as a bridge when
employment is involuntarily terminated, and should therefore not
be affected by other, longer-term compensation arrangements. As
a result, and consistent with the practice of most of our peer
companies, other compensation decisions are not generally based
on the existence of this severance protection.
Process for Equity Grants
Executives receive long-term equity awards pursuant to the terms
of the 2006 Incentive Compensation Plan, or the 2006 Plan.
Awards may also be granted outside of the 2006 Plan to the
extent those grants are permitted by the Nasdaq rules. The
compensation committee administers the 2006 Plan and establishes
the rules for all awards granted thereunder, including grant
guidelines, vesting schedules, and other provisions. The
compensation committee reviews these rules from time to time and
considers, among other things, the interests of the
stockholders, market conditions, information provided by
independent advisors, performance objectives, and
recommendations made by our chief executive officer.
The board of directors or our compensation committee reviews
awards for all employees. The compensation committee has
established a process in which our compensation committee
reviews the recommendations of our chief executive officer for
executives (other than himself) and other employees, modifies
the proposed grants in certain circumstances, and approves the
awards effective as of the date of its approval.
The exercise price of stock option grants are set at 100% of the
closing market price of a share of company common stock on the
date the board of directors or compensation committee approves
the grants. For new hire awards, our compensation committee or
the board of directors generally reviews the recommendation of
management at the board or committee meeting after the
participants hire date and modifies and approves the
awards effective as of the date of the Committees or
boards approval.
We have no practice of timing grants of stock options or RSUs to
coordinate with the release of material non-public information,
and we have not timed the release of material non-public
information for the purpose of affecting the value of named
executive officer compensation.
Impact of
Tax and Accounting
As a general matter, our compensation committee takes into
account the various tax and accounting implications of the
compensation vehicles employed by us. In this regard, the fact
that the accounting treatment aligns more closely with the
payouts was among the factors considered in adopting the PRU
Program and in eliminating the grant of stock options to named
executive officers in 2010. However, while structuring
compensation programs that result in more favorable tax and
financial reporting treatment is a general principle, our
compensation committee balances these goals with other business
needs that may be inconsistent with obtaining the most favorable
tax and accounting treatment for each component of compensation.
Deductibility. Section 162(m) of the Code
does not permit publicly traded companies to take income tax
deductions for compensation paid to our chief executive officer
and certain other executive officers to the extent that
compensation exceeds $1 million per officer in any taxable
year and does not otherwise qualify as performance-
based compensation. The 2006 Plan is structured so that the
compensation deemed paid to an executive officer in connection
with PRUs and the exercise of stock options granted under the
2006 Plan should qualify as performance-based compensation not
subject to the $1 million limitation. Our time-vest RSUs
are not considered performance-based under the
Section 162(m) rules. Accordingly, amounts of compensation
related to those time-vest RSUs held by our executive officers
may not be fully deductible (depending on the value of our stock
and the amount of other nonperformance-based compensation an
officer has during the year in which any portion of the RSU
The compensation committee will continue to consider steps that
might be in our best interests to comply with
Section 162(m) of the Code. However, in establishing the
cash and equity incentive compensation programs for our
executive officers, our compensation committee believes that the
potential deductibility of the compensation payable under those
programs should be only one of a number of relevant factors
taken into consideration, and not the sole or primary factor.
The compensation committee believes that cash and equity
incentive compensation must be maintained at the requisite level
to attract and retain the executive officers essential to our
financial success, even if all or part of that compensation may
not be deductible by reason of the limitations of
Section 162(m) of the Code.
Tax Implications for
Officers. Section 409A of the Internal
Revenue Code imposes additional income taxes on executive
officers for certain types of deferred compensation that do not
comply with Section 409A. We attempt in good faith to
structure compensation so that it either conforms with the
requirements of or qualifies for an exception under Code
Section 409A. Section 280G of the Internal Revenue
Code imposes an excise tax on payments to executives of
severance or change of control compensation that exceed the
levels specified in the Section 280G rules. Our named
executive officers could receive the amounts shown in the
section entitled Potential Payments Upon Termination or
Change in Control (beginning on page 38 below) as
severance or change of control payments that could implicate
this excise tax. We do not offer our officers as part of their
change of control benefits any gross ups related to this excise
tax under Code Section 4999.
Accounting Considerations. When determining
amounts of long-term incentive grants to executives and
employees, our compensation committee examines the accounting
cost associated with the grants. Under Financial Accounting
Standards Board Accounting Standards Codification (ASC) Topic
718, Compensation Stock Compensation, grants
of stock options and restricted stock units result in an
accounting charge for us equal to the grant date fair value of
those securities. For restricted stock units, the accounting
cost is generally equal to the fair market value of the
underlying shares of common stock on the date of the award. The
cost is then amortized over the requisite service period. With
respect to stock options, we calculate the grant date fair value
based on the Black-Scholes formula with an adjustment for
possible forfeitures and amortize that value as compensation
expense over the vesting period. Our compensation committee
believes that the many advantages of equity compensation, as
discussed above, more than compensate for the non-cash
accounting expense associated with them.
Financial Restatements. Our compensation
committee does not have an established practice regarding the
adjustment or recovery of awards or payments if the relevant
performance measures upon which they are based are restated or
otherwise adjusted in a manner that would reduce the size of an
award or payment. The committee will determine whether to seek
recovery of incentive compensation in the event of a financial
restatement or similar event based on the facts and
circumstances surrounding a financial restatement or similar
event, should one occur. Among the key factors that the
committee will consider is whether the executive officer engaged
in fraud or willful misconduct that resulted in need for a
The material in this report is not soliciting
material, is not deemed filed with the SEC,
and is not to be incorporated by reference into any filing of
the company under the Securities Act of 1933, as amended, or the
Securities Exchange Act of 1934, as amended.
Our compensation committee has reviewed and discussed with
management the Compensation Discussion and Analysis included in
this proxy statement. Based on such review and discussion, the
compensation committee
recommended to our board of directors, and our board of
directors approved, that the Compensation Discussion and
Analysis be included in this proxy statement.
Thomas T. Edman, Chairman
Robert E. Klatell
John G. Mayer
Committee Interlocks and Insider Participation
During the fiscal year ended December 31, 2009, our
compensation committee consisted of Messrs. Edman, Klatell,
and Mayer. None of these individuals had any contractual or
other relationships with us during such fiscal year except as
directors. No interlocking relationship exists between any
member of our compensation committee and any member of any other
companys board of directors or compensation committee.
Year 2009 Summary Compensation Table
The following table sets forth compensation information for our
named executive officers.
Incentive Plan
All Other
Name and Principal Position
Kenton K. Alder
Chief Executive Officer,
President, and Director
Steven W. Richards
Chief Financial Officer,
Executive Vice President and Secretary
Shane S. Whiteside
Executive Vice President
and Chief Operating Officer
Douglas L. Soder
Executive Vice
(1) |
Amounts shown reflect the fair value at the date of grant. The
value is calculated in accordance with ASC Topic 718,
Compensation Stock Compensation. The fair
value of a restricted stock unit is based on the closing market
price of our common stock on the date of grant. The 2008 and
2007 stock award amounts were restated from previous proxy
disclosures to reflect changes in SEC rules. For a discussion of
valuation assumptions used in determining the grant date fair
value of the awards, see Note 13 to our 2009 consolidated
financial statements, included in our annual report on
Form 10-K
filed with the SEC. |
(2) |
Amounts shown reflect the fair value at the date of grant. The
value is calculated in accordance with ASC Topic 718,
Compensation Stock Compensation. The 2008 and
2007 option award amounts were restated from previous proxy
disclosures to reflect changes in SEC rules. For a discussion of
valuation assumptions used in determining the grant date fair
value of the awards, see Note 13 to our 2009 consolidated
financial statements, included in our annual report on
Form 10-K
filed with the SEC. |
(3) |
Amounts represent bonuses paid based on achievement of
individual and company performance criteria for each year shown,
which bonuses were earned in such fiscal year, but not paid
until the next fiscal year. Additionally, amounts for 2007
include an integration bonus paid in 2007. |
(4) |
Amounts represent matching contributions by us to our 401(k)
plan. |
(5) |
Mr. Soder received retention bonuses of $150,000 in 2008
and $200,000 in 2007. |
Year 2009 Grants of Plan-Based Awards
The following table sets forth information concerning awards of
stock options and restricted stock made to each of our named
executive officers during fiscal year 2009.
All Other
All Other
Grant Date
Exercise or
Fair Value
Estimated Possible Payouts Under
Number of
Number of
Base Price
of Stock
Non-Equity Incentive Plan
Shares of
of Option
and Option
Awards ($)(1)
Stock or
Kenton K. Alder
Steven W. Richards
Shane S. Whiteside
Douglas L. Soder
(1) |
Represents threshold, target and maximum opportunity under our
annual incentive bonus program for fiscal year 2009. Our annual
incentive bonus program is discussed under the caption
2009 Annual Incentive Bonuses in the Compensation
Discussion and Analysis. |
(2) |
The fair value of a restricted stock unit is based on the
closing market price on the date of grant, as determined
pursuant to ASC Topic 718, Compensation Stock
Compensation. The value for all restricted stock units
granted to our named executive officers is equal to 100% of the
fair market value of the underlying shares on the grant date.
For a discussion of valuation assumptions, see Note 13 to
our 2009 consolidated financial statements included in our
annual report on
Form 10-K
filed with the SEC. |
(3) |
The value of a stock option is based on the fair value on the
date of grant, as determined pursuant to ASC Topic 718,
Compensation Stock Compensation. For a
discussion of valuation assumptions, see Note 13 to our
2009 consolidated financial statements included in our annual
report on
Form 10-K
filed with the SEC. |
Agreements with Named Executive Officers
Effective December 1, 2005, we entered into an employment
agreement with Mr. Alder, which we refer to as the 2005
Employment Agreement. Pursuant to the 2005 Employment Agreement,
Mr. Alder served as our President and Chief Executive
Officer for a term expiring December 1, 2009, which term
automatically renewed for additional one-year terms, unless we
or Mr. Alder gave timely notice of non-renewal.
Mr. Alder received a base salary during 2009 of $586,000
under the 2005 Employment Agreement. Effective March 19,
2010, our board of directors approved a Restated Employment
Agreement with Mr. Alder, which we refer to as the Restated
Employment Agreement, which supersedes the 2005 Employment
Agreement. Pursuant to the Restated Employment Agreement,
Mr. Alder will continue to serve as our President and Chief
Executive Officer for an initial term
expiring on the three year anniversary of the date of the
Restated Employment Agreement, which initial term will be
automatically renewed for additional one-year terms unless
timely notice of non-renewal is given by either us or
Mr. Alder. The Restated Employment Agreement provides that
Mr. Alder will receive a base salary of $605,000, which may
be increased from time to time at the discretion of our board of
directors. In addition, the Restated Employment Agreement
provides that, in the event we terminate Mr. Alders
employment without cause or Mr. Alder terminates his
employment for good reason, we must provide to Mr. Alder
certain severance benefits. These severance benefits are
discussed in more detail below under Potential Payments
upon Termination or Change in Control. The Restated
Employment Agreement further imposes certain non-competition and
non-solicitation obligations on Mr. Alder in the event his
employment with our company is terminated prior to the
expiration of the term of the Restated Employment Agreement.
Such non-competition and non-solicitation obligations will
remain in effect for the longer of (1) a period of
12 months following termination or (2) the period
during which we are required to pay severance to Mr. Alder
under the Restated Employment Agreement.
Effective March 19, 2010, our board of directors approved a
Executive Change in Control Severance Agreement, which we refer
to as the Severance Agreement, with each of Steven W. Richards,
Shane S. Whiteside, and Douglas L. Soder. The terms of the
Severance Agreement are described below under Potential
Payments upon Termination or Change in Control. The
Severance Agreements supersede the previous change in control
severance agreements executed on December 1, 2005 between
our company and each of Mr. Richards and
Mr. Whiteside, and in the case of Mr. Soder, the
Severance Agreement supersedes the severance provisions set
forth in his October 2006 offer letter.
Incentive Compensation Plan
The material features of the 2006 Incentive Compensation Plan,
referred to as the 2006 Plan, are outlined below.
The terms of the 2006 Plan provide for the grant of stock
options, stock appreciation rights, restricted stock, restricted
stock units, bonus stock, dividend equivalents, other stock
related awards, and performance awards that may be settled in
cash, stock, or other property.
available for Awards
The total number of shares of our common stock that may be
subject to awards under the 2006 Plan is equal to
3,000,000 shares, plus (i) any shares available for
issuance and not subject to an award under our 2000 Equity
Compensation Plan (2000 Plan) or our Management Stock Option
Plan (Management Plan), (ii) the number of shares with
respect to which awards granted under the 2006 Plan, 2000 Plan,
and the Management Plan terminate without the issuance of the
shares or where the shares are forfeited or repurchased;
(iii) with respect to awards granted under the 2006 Plan,
2000 Plan, and the Management Plan, the number of shares which
are not issued as a result of the award being settled for cash
or otherwise not issued in connection with the exercise or
payment of the award; and (iv) the number of shares that
are surrendered or withheld in payment of the exercise price of
any award or any tax withholding requirements in connection with
any award granted under the 2006 Plan, 2000 Plan, and the
Management Plan.
on Awards
The 2006 Plan imposes individual limitations on certain awards,
in part to comply with Section 162(m) of the Internal
Revenue Code of 1986. Under these limitations, no more than
1,000,000 shares of our common stock reserved for issuance
under the 2006 Plan may be granted to an individual during any
fiscal year pursuant to any stock options or stock appreciation
rights granted under the 2006 Plan, and no more than
1,000,000 shares of our common stock reserved for issuance
under the 2006 Plan may be granted to an individual during any
fiscal year pursuant to all awards other than stock options or
stock appreciation rights granted under the 2006 Plan. The
maximum amount that may be earned by any one participant as a
performance award (payable in cash) or other cash award is
$5,000,000 per calendar year. No outstanding options may be
repriced without stockholder approval (that
is, we cannot amend an outstanding option to lower the exercise
price or exchange an outstanding option for a new option with a
lower exercise price without stockholder approval). In addition,
the 2006 Plan prohibits us from exchanging an outstanding option
with an exercise price above the then current fair market value
of our common stock for cash, other awards, or other property.
In the event that a dividend or other distribution (whether in
cash, shares of common stock, or other property),
recapitalization, forward or reverse split, reorganization,
merger, consolidation, spin-off, combination, repurchase, share
exchange, liquidation, dissolution, or other similar corporate
transaction or event affects our common stock or our other
securities or the securities of any other issuer, so that an
adjustment, substitution, or exchange is determined to be
appropriate by the plan administrator, then the plan
administrator will adjust any or all of the following as the
plan administrator deems appropriate: (1) the kind and
number of shares available under the 2006 Plan, (2) the
kind and number of shares subject to limitations on awards
described in the preceding paragraph, (3) the kind and
number of shares subject to all outstanding awards, (4) the
exercise price, grant price, or purchase price relating to any
award, and (5) other affected terms of awards.
The persons eligible to receive awards under the 2006 Plan
consist of officers, directors, employees, and independent
contractors. However, incentive stock options may be granted
under the 2006 Plan only to our employees, including our
officers who are employees.
Our board of directors will administer the 2006 Plan unless it
delegates administration of the 2006 Plan to one or more
committees of our board of directors. Together, our board of
directors and any committee(s) delegated to administer the 2006
Plan are referred to as the plan administrator. If a committee
is delegated to administer the 2006 Plan, then the committee
members may be non-employee directors as defined by
Rule 16b-3
of the Securities Exchange Act, outside directors
for purposes of Section 162(m), and independent as defined
by Nasdaq or any other national securities exchange on which any
of our securities may be listed for trading in the future.
Subject to the terms of the 2006 Plan, the plan administrator is
authorized to select eligible persons to receive awards,
determine the type and number of awards to be granted and the
number of shares of our common stock to which awards will
relate, specify times at which awards will be exercisable or may
be settled (including performance conditions that may be
required as a condition thereof), set other terms and conditions
of awards, prescribe forms of award agreements, interpret and
specify rules and regulations relating to the 2006 Plan, and
make all other determinations that may be necessary or advisable
for the administration of the 2006 Plan. The plan administrator
may amend the terms of outstanding awards, in its discretion.
Any amendment that adversely affects the rights of the award
recipient, however, must receive the approval of such recipient.
Options and Stock Appreciation Rights
The plan administrator is authorized to grant stock options,
including both incentive stock options and non-qualified stock
options. In addition, the plan administrator is authorized to
grant stock appreciation rights, which entitle the participant
to receive the appreciation in our common stock between the
grant date and the exercise date of the stock appreciation
right. The plan administrator determines the exercise price per
share subject to an option and the grant price of a stock
appreciation right. The per share exercise price of an incentive
stock option, however, must not be less than the fair market
value of a share of common stock on the grant date. The plan
administrator generally will fix the maximum term of each option
or stock appreciation right, the times at which each stock
option or stock appreciation right will be exercisable, and
provisions requiring forfeiture of unexercised stock options or
stock appreciation rights at or following termination of
employment or service, except that no incentive stock option may
have a term exceeding ten years. Stock options may be exercised
by payment of the exercise price in any form of legal
consideration specified by the plan administrator, including
cash, shares (including cancellation of a portion of the shares
subject to the award), outstanding awards or other property
having a fair market value equal to the exercise price. Options
may also be exercisable in connection with a broker-assisted
sales transaction (a cashless
exercise) as determined by the plan administrator. The
plan administrator determines methods of exercise and settlement
and other terms of the stock appreciation rights.
Stock and Stock Units
The plan administrator is authorized to grant restricted stock
and stock units. Restricted stock is a grant of shares of common
stock, which may not be sold or disposed of and which may be
forfeited in the event of certain terminations of employment or
service, prior to the end of a restricted period specified by
the plan administrator. Restricted stock may also be subject to
forfeiture if established performance targets are not met. A
participant granted restricted stock generally has all of the
rights of one of our stockholders, unless otherwise determined
by the plan administrator. An award of a stock unit confers upon
a participant the right to receive shares of common stock at the
end of a specified period, and may be subject to possible
forfeiture of the award in the event of certain terminations of
employment prior to the end of a specified period. Prior to
settlement, an award of a stock unit carries no voting or
dividend rights or other rights associated with share ownership,
although dividend equivalents may be granted, as discussed below.
The plan administrator is authorized to grant dividend
equivalents conferring on participants the right to receive,
currently or on a deferred basis, cash, shares of common stock,
other awards, or other property equal in value to dividends paid
on a specific number of shares of common stock or other periodic
payments. Dividend equivalents may be granted alone or in
connection with another award, may be paid currently or on a
deferred basis and, if deferred, may be deemed to have been
reinvested in additional shares of common stock, awards or
otherwise as specified by the plan administrator. Currently,
there are no outstanding dividend equivalent awards, either with
other outstanding awards under any of our incentive compensation
plans or as stand-alone awards.
Stock and Awards in Lieu of Cash Obligations
The plan administrator is authorized to grant shares of common
stock as a bonus free of restrictions for services performed for
us or to grant shares of common stock or other awards in lieu of
our obligations to pay cash under the 2006 Plan or other plans
or compensatory arrangements, subject to such terms as the plan
administrator may specify.
Stock Based Awards
The plan administrator is authorized to grant awards under the
2006 Plan that are denominated or payable in, valued by
reference to, or otherwise based on or related to shares of
common stock. Such awards might include convertible or
exchangeable debt securities, other rights convertible or
exchangeable into shares of common stock, purchase rights for
shares of common stock, awards with value and payment contingent
upon our performance or any other factors designated by the plan
administrator, and awards valued by reference to the book value
of shares of our common stock or the value of securities of or
the performance of specified subsidiaries or business units. The
plan administrator determines the terms and conditions of such
The right of a participant to exercise or receive a grant or
settlement of an award, and the timing thereof, may be subject
to such performance conditions, including subjective individual
goals, as may be specified by the plan administrator. In
addition, the 2006 Plan authorizes specific performance awards,
which represent a conditional right to receive cash, shares of
our common stock, or other awards upon achievement of certain
pre-established performance goals and subjective individual
goals during a specified fiscal year. Performance awards granted
to persons whom the plan administrator expects will, for the
year in which a deduction arises, be covered
employees (as defined below) may, if and to the extent
intended by the plan administrator, be subject to provisions
that should qualify such awards as performance based
compensation not subject to the limitation on tax deductibility
by us under Section 162(m). For purposes of
Section 162(m), the term covered employee means
our chief executive officer and our four highest compensated
officers as of the end of a taxable year as disclosed in our SEC
filings. If
and to the extent required under Section 162(m), any power
or authority relating to a performance award intended to qualify
under Section 162(m) is to be exercised by a committee that
qualifies under Section 162(m), rather than our board of
Subject to the requirements of the 2006 Plan, the plan
administrator will determine performance award terms, including
the required levels of performance with respect to specified
business criteria, the corresponding amounts payable upon
achievement of such levels of performance, termination and
forfeiture provisions, and the form of settlement. One or more
of the following business criteria based on our consolidated
financial statements,
and/or those
of its affiliates, or for its business units (except with
respect to the total stockholder return and earnings per share
criteria), will be used by the plan administrator in
establishing performance goals for performance awards designed
to comply with the performance-based compensation exception to
Section 162(m): (1) earnings per share;
(2) revenues or gross margins; (3) cash flow;
(4) operating margin; (5) return on net assets,
investment, capital, or equity; (6) economic value added;
(7) direct contribution; (8) net income; pretax
earnings; earnings before interest and taxes; earnings before
interest, taxes, depreciation and amortization; earnings after
interest expense and before extraordinary or special items;
operating income; income before interest income or expense,
unusual items and income taxes, local, state or federal and
excluding budgeted and actual bonuses which might be paid under
any of our ongoing bonus plans; (9) working capital;
(10) management of fixed costs or variable costs;
(11) identification or consummation of investment
opportunities or completion of specified projects in accordance
with corporate business plans, including strategic mergers,
acquisitions or divestitures; (12) total stockholder
return; and (13) debt reduction. For covered employees, the
performance goals and the determination of their achievement
shall be made in accordance with Section 162(m). The plan
administrator is authorized to adjust performance conditions and
other terms of awards in response to unusual or nonrecurring
events, or in response to changes in applicable laws,
regulations, or accounting principles.
Terms of Awards
Awards may be settled in the form of cash, shares of our common
stock, other awards, or other property at the discretion of the
plan administrator. Awards under the 2006 Plan are generally
granted without a requirement that the participant pay
consideration in the form of cash or property for the grant (as
distinguished from the exercise), except to the extent required
by law. The plan administrator may require or permit
participants to defer the settlement of all or part of an award
in accordance with such terms and conditions as the plan
administrator may establish, including payment or crediting of
interest or dividend equivalents on deferred amounts, and the
crediting of earnings, gains, and losses based on deemed
investment of deferred amounts in specified investment vehicles.
The plan administrator is authorized to place cash, shares of
our common stock, or other property in trusts or make other
arrangements to provide for payment of our obligations under the
2006 Plan. The plan administrator may condition any payment
relating to an award on the withholding of taxes and may provide
that a portion of any shares of our common stock or other
property to be distributed will be withheld (or previously
acquired shares of our common stock or other property be
surrendered by the participant) to satisfy withholding and other
tax obligations. Awards granted under the 2006 Plan generally
may not be pledged or otherwise encumbered and are not
transferable except by will or by the laws of descent and
distribution, or to a designated beneficiary upon the
participants death, except that the plan administrator
may, in its discretion, permit transfers of awards subject to
any applicable legal restrictions.
of Vesting; Change in Control
The plan administrator, in its discretion, may accelerate the
vesting, exercisability, lapsing of restrictions, or
expiration of deferral of any award, including if we undergo a
change in control, as defined in the 2006 Plan. In
addition, the plan administrator may provide that the
performance goals relating to any performance-based award will
be deemed to have been met upon the occurrence of any
change in control. The award agreement may provide
for the vesting of an award upon a change of control, including
vesting if a participant is terminated by us or our successor
without cause or terminates his or her employment
for good reason.
To the extent we undergo a corporate transaction (as defined in
the 2006 Plan), the 2006 Plan provides that outstanding awards
may be assumed, substituted for, or continued in accordance with
their terms. If the awards are not assumed, substituted for, or
continued, to the extent applicable, such awards will terminate
immediately prior to
the close of the corporate transaction. The plan administrator
may, in its discretion, either cancel the outstanding awards in
exchange for a cash payment or vest all or part of the award
contingent on the corporate transaction. With respect to a
corporate transaction after which our stockholders immediately
prior to the corporate transaction own 90% or more of the
successor company after the corporate transaction, awards under
the 2006 Plan must be assumed, continued, or substituted for.
and Termination
Our board of directors may amend, alter, suspend, discontinue,
or terminate the 2006 Plan or the plan administrators
authority to grant awards without further stockholder approval,
except stockholder approval will be obtained for any amendment
or alteration if such approval is deemed necessary and advisable
by our board of directors. Unless earlier terminated by our
board of directors, the 2006 Plan will terminate on the earlier
of (1) ten years after the later of (x) the adoption
by our board of directors of the 2006 Plan and (y) the
approval of an increase in the number of shares reserved under
the 2006 Plan by our board of directors (contingent upon such
increase being approved by our stockholders), and (2) such
time as no shares of our common stock remain available for
issuance under the 2006 Plan and no further rights or
obligations with respect to outstanding awards are outstanding
under the 2006 Plan. Amendments to the 2006 Plan or any award
require the consent of the affected participant if the amendment
has a material adverse effect on the participant.
Equity Awards at Fiscal Year-End 2009
The following table sets forth the outstanding equity awards
held by our named executive officers as of December 31,
Option Awards
Stock Awards
Number of
Value of
Shares or
Shares or
Number of Securities
Units of
Units of
Underlying Unexercised
Stock That
Stock That
Have Not
Have Not
Kenton K. Alder
Option Awards
Stock Awards
Number of
Value of
Shares or
Shares or
Number of Securities
Units of
Units of
Underlying Unexercised
Stock That
Stock That
Have Not
Have Not
Steven W. Richards
Shane S. Whiteside
Douglas L. Soder
(1) |
Based on the closing price of our common stock on
December 31, 2009. |
(2) |
Such options vest on February 14, 2010. |
(3) |
Such options vest on May 4, 2010. |
(4) |
Such options vest on August 1, 2010. |
(5) |
Such options vest on November 1, 2010. |
(6) |
Such options vest 50% on February 13, 2010 and 50% on
February 13, 2011. |
(7) |
Such option vest one-third on February 12, 2010, 2011, and
2012. |
(8) |
Such option vest one-third on May 7, 2010, 2011, and 2012. |
(9) |
Such option vest one-third on August 5, 2010, 2011, and
2012. |
(10) |
Such option vest one-third on November 5, 2010, 2011, and
2012. |
(11) |
Such restricted stock units vest on March 6, 2010. |
(12) |
Such restricted stock units vest 50% on February 13, 2010
and 50% on February 13, 2011. |
(13) |
Such restricted stock units vest one-third on March 5,
2010, 2011, and 2012. |
Exercises and Stock Vested in Fiscal Year 2009
The following table sets forth information concerning the value
realized by each of our named executive officers upon the
exercise of stock options and the vesting of stock awards during
fiscal year 2009.
Option Awards
Stock Awards
Number of Shares
Number of Shares
Acquired on
Value Realized on
Acquired on
Value Realized on
Kenton K. Alder
Steven W. Richards
Shane S. Whiteside
Douglas L. Soder
(1) |
The value realized equals the difference between the fair market
value of our common stock on the date of exercise and the option
exercise price, multiplied by the number of shares issued upon
exercise of the options. |
(2) |
The value realized equals the fair market value of our common
stock on the date of vesting multiplied by the number of shares
released on the vest date. |
Payments Upon Termination or Change in Control
Effective December 1, 2005, we entered into severance
arrangements with two of our named executive officers, Steven W.
Richards and Shane S. Whiteside, and in October 2006 we executed
an offer letter with Douglas L. Soder that entitled him to
various severance benefits. Effective March 19, 2010, our
board of directors approved the Severance Agreements with each
of Steven W. Richards, Shane S. Whiteside, and Douglas L. Soder,
which supersede the previous change in control severance
agreements executed on December 1, 2005 between our company
and Mr. Richards and Mr. Whiteside and, in the case of
Mr. Soder, the Severance Agreement supersedes the severance
provisions set forth in his October 2006 offer letter. The
Severance Agreements provide that, in the event the
executives employment is terminated by (1) our
company without cause during a pending change in control or
within 12 months following a change in control, or
(2) by the executive for good reason within 12 months
following a change in control, the executive would be entitled
to receive an amount in cash equal to two times the sum of
(a) the executives annual base salary and
(b) the amount of the executives annual target bonus
for the year during which the executive was terminated assuming
the achievement of 100% of the performance target levels
associated with such annual target bonus; together with the
acceleration of vesting of any stock options, restricted stock,
and restricted stock units assumed by the acquirer.
In addition, the Restated Employment Agreement with
Mr. Alder provides that, in the event Mr. Alders
employment is terminated by (1) our company without cause
or (2) by Mr. Alder for good reason, Mr. Alder
would be entitled to receive an amount in cash equal to two
times the sum of (a) Mr. Alders base salary and
(b) the amount of his annual target bonus for the year
during which the executive was terminated assuming the
achievement of 100% of the performance target levels associated
with such annual target bonus. In the event
Mr. Alders employment is terminated by (1) our
company without cause or (2) by Mr. Alder for good
reason, within 60 days prior to, or within one year after,
the occurrence of a change in control, Mr. Alder would be
entitled to receive an amount in cash equal to three times the
sum of (a) Mr. Alders base salary and
(b) the amount of his annual target bonus for the year
during which he was terminated assuming the achievement of 100%
of the performance target levels associated with such annual
target bonus; together with the acceleration of vesting of any
stock options held
by Mr. Alder that are assumed by the acquirer; and the
vesting of any restricted stock or restricted stock units held
by Mr. Alder that are assumed by the acquirer would be
immediately accelerated.
The following tables set forth certain information regarding
potential payments and other benefits that would be payable to
each of our named executive officers upon a change in control of
our company
and/or upon
a termination of our named executive officers employment.
The tables below assume that the termination or change in
control event took place on the last business day of 2009, but
show the amount payable under the new severance arrangements
that are currently in effect.
K. Alder:
Without Cause
or by Executive
for Good Reason
Termination by
During a Pending
Without Cause
Executive for Good
Change in
Change in Control
(Not in
Reason (Not in
Control (Without
or Within
Connection with a
Connection with a
Termination of
12 Months
Executive Benefits - Change in Control(1)
Change in Control)
Change in Control)
Accelerated Stock Options(3)
Accelerated Restricted Stock Units(3)
W. Richards:
Cause or by
Executive for
Without Cause
Without Cause
Good Reason
During a Pending
During a Pending
Within 12
Change in
Change in
Change in
Control (Without
Control - Change
Control - Change
Following a
Termination of
in Control Not
in Control Was
Change in
Executive Benefits(1)
Without Cause
Accelerated Stock Options(3)
Accelerated Restricted Stock Units(3)
S. Whiteside:
Cause or by
Executive for
Without Cause
Without Cause
Good Reason
During a Pending
During a Pending
Within 12
Change in
Change in
Change in
Control (Without
Control - Change
Control - Change
Following a
Termination of
in Control Not
in Control Was
Change in
Executive Benefits(1)
Without Cause
Accelerated Stock Options(3)
Accelerated Restricted Stock Units(3)
L. Soder:
Cause or by
Executive for
Without Cause
Without Cause
Good Reason
During a Pending
During a Pending
Within 12
Change in
Change in
Change in
Control (Without
Control - Change
Control - Change
Following a
Termination of
in Control
in Control Was
Change in
Executive Benefits(1)
Without Cause
Not Effected(5)
Accelerated Stock Options(3)
Accelerated Restricted Stock Units(3)
(1) |
Amounts represented in the table do not include stock option
awards or restricted stock units that are fully vested, earned
salary, and accrued vacation, as those items are earned and due
to the named executive officer regardless of such termination or
change in control events. It also does not include amounts
payable under life insurance coverage, our accidental death and
dismemberment coverage, or our business travel accident
coverage, which are programs available to all of our full-time
employees. While the amounts listed assume that the termination
or change in control event took place on the last business day
of 2009, the amounts payable are pursuant to the new severance
arrangements that are currently in effect rather than those in
effect on the last business day of 2009, as all severance
arrangements that were in effect on the last business day of
2009 were superseded in March 2010 by the Restated Employment
Agreement and Severance Agreements. |
(2) |
The amount listed is calculated with the formula described above
using an annual target bonus of 95% of base salary for
Mr. Alder and 65% of base salary for each of
Messrs. Richards, Whiteside, and Soder, for fiscal year
2010, which represents the percentage of base salary payable as
a bonus upon achievement of 100% of the performance target
levels associated with such annual target bonus, as set forth in
Mr. Alders Restated Employment Agreement and in the
Severance Agreements. |
(3) |
The amount listed for accelerated stock options and restricted
stock units is based on the closing price of our common stock on
December 31, 2009. |
(4) |
Assumes that the stock options and restricted stock units are
assumed by the acquiring entity in connection with the change in
control. |
(5) |
The Severance Agreements provide that if the executives
employment is terminated without cause during a pending change
in control, and the change in control is not effected within
three months following the date of termination of the executive,
then the stock options and restricted stock held by the
executive as of the date of termination will be treated as if
the executives employment had been terminated as of the
three-month anniversary of the date of termination of employment. |
The following table sets forth information with respect to our
common stock that may be issued upon the exercise of stock
options, warrants, and rights under our 2006 Plan as of
December 31, 2009.
Number of Securities
Remaining Available
for Future Issuance
Number of
Under Equity
Securities to be
Compensation Plans
Issued Upon
Weighted Average
Exercise of
Exercise Price of
Reflected in
Options, Warrants,
Options, Warrants,
Plan Category
and Rights(1)
and Rights(2)
Equity Compensation Plans Approved by Stockholders
Equity Compensation Plans Not Approved by Stockholders
(1) |
Includes 1,168,595 restricted stock units. |
(2) |
The weighted average exercise prices does not take into account
the 1,168,595 restricted stock units. |
2009 Director
Members of our board of directors who are also employees are not
separately compensated for their services as directors.
Mr. Alder, the only director who is also an employee, did
not receive separate compensation for his services as a director
during fiscal year 2009.
Our non-employee directors receive the following compensation:
an annual cash retainer of $24,000, a $1,500 payment per board
meeting attended, a $750 payment for each committee meeting, and
reimbursement of expenses relating to the board meetings. In
addition, the chairman of the board receives an annual cash
retainer of $30,000, and the chairmen of our various board
committees receive annual cash retainers as follows: $10,000 to
our audit committee chairman, $7,500 to our compensation
committee chairman, and $5,000 to our nominating and corporate
governance committee chairman.
Upon initial election, each non-employee director receives an
option to purchase 20,000 shares of our common stock. The
options provided to the non-employee directors expire on the
grant dates tenth anniversary and vest over a four year
period. At each annual meeting of stockholders, each
non-employee director who has served as a director for the
previous six months receives restricted stock units having a
fair value on the award date of $60,000. The restricted stock
units awarded to the non-employee directors vest over one year
and delivery of the underlying shares of common stock is
deferred until one year after retirement from the board of
The following table sets forth the compensation earned by our
directors in respect of their services as such during fiscal
year 2009.
Fees Earned or
Paid in Cash
Robert E. Klatell
James K. Bass
Richard P. Beck
Thomas T. Edman
John G. Mayer
(1) |
As of December 31, 2009, Mr. Klatell had 28,000
options outstanding and 28,000 options exercisable;
Mr. Bass had 44,000 options outstanding and 44,000 options
exercisable; Mr. Beck had 40,000 options outstanding and
40,000 options exercisable; Mr. Edman had 28,000 options
outstanding and 28,000 options exercisable; Mr. Mayer had
44,000 options outstanding and 44,000 options exercisable. As of
December 31, 2009, each of our non-employee directors had
16,435 restricted stock units outstanding, 8,792 of which were
vested. |
(2) |
Amounts shown reflect the fair value at the date of grant. The
value is calculated in accordance with ASC Topic 718,
Compensation Stock Compensation. The fair
value of a restricted stock unit is based on the closing market
price of our common stock on the date of grant. For a discussion
of valuation assumptions, see Note 13 to our 2009
consolidated financial statements, included in our annual report
Form 10-K
filed with the SEC. |
Stock Ownership Guidelines
Our board of directors recognizes that stock ownership by
directors may strengthen their commitment to the long-term
future of our company and further align their interests with
those of our stockholders. Accordingly, our corporate governance
guidelines require our independent directors to beneficially own
shares of our common stock (including shares owned outright,
unvested shares, restricted stock units, and stock options)
having a value of at least three times their annual retainer.
Our board of directors has appointed an audit committee
consisting of three independent directors. All members of our
audit committee are able to read and understand fundamental
financial statements, including our balance sheet, income
statement, and cash flow statement. At least one member of our
audit committee has past employment experience in finance or
accounting, requisite professional certification in accounting,
or other comparable experience or background which results in
the individuals financial sophistication, including being
or having been a chief executive officer, chief financial
officer, or other senior officer with financial oversight
responsibility. Our board of directors has determined that
Messrs. Bass, Beck, and Mayer are independent directors, as
defined by Nasdaq Marketplace Rule 5605(a)(2) and that
Mr. Beck, chairman, qualifies as an audit committee
financial expert.
The primary responsibility of our audit committee is to assist
our board of directors in fulfilling its responsibility to
oversee managements conduct of our financial reporting
process, including overseeing the financial reports and other
financial information provided by us to governmental or
regulatory bodies (such as the SEC), the public, and other users
thereof; our systems of internal accounting and financial
controls; and the annual independent audit of our consolidated
financial statements.
Management has the responsibility for our consolidated financial
statements and the reporting process, including the systems of
internal controls. Our independent registered public accounting
firm, KPMG LLP, is responsible for auditing our consolidated
financial statements and expressing an opinion on the conformity
of those audited consolidated financial statements with
generally accepted accounting principles.
In fulfilling its oversight responsibilities, our audit
committee reviewed our consolidated audited financial statements
with management and the independent registered public accounting
firm. Our audit committee discussed with the independent
registered public accounting firm the matters required to be
discussed by Statement of Auditing Standards No. 61,
Communication with Audit Committees. This included a discussion
of the independent registered public accounting firms
judgments as to the quality, not just the acceptability, of our
accounting principles and such other matters as are required to
be discussed with our audit committee under generally accepted
auditing standards. In addition, our audit committee received
from the independent registered public accounting firm written
disclosures and the letter required by applicable requirements
of the Public Company Accounting Oversight Board regarding the
independent registered public accounting firms
independence. Our audit committee also discussed with the
independent registered public accounting firm their independence
from management and our company, including the matters covered
by the written disclosures and letter provided by the
independent registered public accounting firm. Our audit
committee has concluded that KPMG LLP is independent from our
company and management.
Our audit committee discussed with the independent registered
public accounting firm the overall scope and plans for their
audits. Our audit committee met with the independent registered
public accounting firm, with and without management present, to
discuss the results of their examinations, their evaluations of
our company, the internal controls, and the overall quality of
our financial reporting. Our audit committee held five meetings
during the fiscal year ended December 31, 2009.
Based on the reviews and discussions referred to above, our
audit committee recommended to our board of directors, and our
board of directors approved, that our audited consolidated
financial statements be included in the Annual Report on
Form 10-K
for the year ended December 31, 2009 for filing with the
Our board of directors has adopted a written charter for our
audit committee that reflects, among other things, requirements
of the Sarbanes-Oxley Act of 2002, rules adopted by the SEC, and
rules of The Nasdaq Stock Market.
This report has been furnished by our audit committee to our
board of directors.
James K. Bass
Richard P. Beck, Chairman
John G. Mayer
KPMG LLP was our independent registered public accountant for
the years ended December 31, 2007, 2008, and 2009. We have
appointed KPMG LLP to serve as our independent registered public
accountant for the fiscal year ending December 31, 2010 and
recommend that stockholders vote in favor of the ratification of
such appointment. In the event of a negative vote on such
ratification, our board of directors will reconsider its
selection. We anticipate that representatives of KPMG LLP will
attend the annual meeting, will have the opportunity to make a
statement if they desire, and will be available to respond to
appropriate questions.
The following is a summary of fees, all of which were approved
by our audit committee, for audit and other professional
services during the fiscal years ended December 31, 2008
and 2009:
Audit fees
Audit-related fees
Tax fees
All other fees
Audit fees are fees that we paid to KPMG for
the audits of our annual financial statements and of internal
control over financial reporting included in the
Form 10-K,
reviews of financial statements included in
Forms 10-Q,
and foreign regulatory filings related to the PCB Combination.
Audit-related fees consist of fees we paid to KPMG
for accounting consultations and services performed related to
our convertible debt offering during the year ended
December 31, 2008 and accounting consultations and services
performed related to the PCB Combination (due diligence and
consultations) during the year ended December 31, 2009.
Policy for Independent Registered Public Accountants
In 2003, our audit committee adopted a formal policy concerning
pre-approval of all services to be provided by our independent
registered public accountants. The policy requires that all
proposed services to be provided by KPMG LLP must be
pre-approved by our audit committee before any services are
performed. This policy includes all audit, audit-related, tax,
and other services that KPMG LLP may provide to our company. In
evaluating whether
to engage KPMG LLP for non-audit services, our audit committee
considers whether the performance of services other than audit
services is compatible with maintaining the independence of KPMG
LLP. All of the services provided by KPMG LLP described in the
table above were approved by our audit committee pursuant to our
audit committees pre-approval policies.
Our board of directors recommends a vote FOR
the ratification of KPMG LLP as our independent registered
public accountants.
During fiscal year 2009, there were no transactions or series of
similar transactions to which we were or are a party that
involved an amount exceeding $120,000 and in which any of our
directors, executive officers, holders of more than 5% of any
class of our voting securities, or any member of the immediate
family of any of the foregoing persons, had or will have a
direct or indirect material interest.
On April 8, 2010, we completed the PCB Combination, which
involved our acquisition of the PCB Subsidiaries from Meadville.
Certain affiliates of Meadville engage in transactions with our
company, as described below.
Agreements with Affiliates of Related Parties
In 2007, Shanghai Meadville Electronics Co., Ltd.
(SME), a subsidiary of one of the PCB Subsidiaries,
entered into two supply agreements with Suzhou Shengyi Sci Tech
Co., Ltd. (SSST) and Guangdong Shengyi Sci Tech Co.,
Ltd. (GSST), pursuant to which SME and certain other
subsidiaries of the PCB Subsidiaries purchased laminate and
prepreg from SSST and GSST. GSST is owned indirectly by Top Mix
Investments Limited, a company controlled by Tang Hsiang Chien,
a family member of Tom Tang. SSST is 75% owned by GSST and 25%
owned indirectly by Top Mix Investments Limited. In the years
ended December 31, 2007, 2008, and 2009, total purchases
under the two supply agreements amount to $58.4 million,
$55.4 million, and $47.0 million, respectively. These
two supply agreements expired on December 31, 2009.
Accordingly, SME, on behalf of itself and other subsidiaries of
the PCB Subsidiaries, entered into a new supply agreement with
GSST and SSST on December 11, 2009 with similar terms as
the existing supply agreements. The new supply agreement became
effective on January 1, 2010 for a term of three years.
Certain of the PCB Subsidiaries also purchase from time to time
laminate and prepreg from Mica-Ava (Far East) Industrial Limited
(MAF) and Mica-AVA (Guangzhou) Material Company Ltd.
(MAG), former subsidiaries of Meadville engaged in
the laminate business, both of which are owned by Top Mix
Investments Limited. These purchases are made on a spot basis
from time to time. Total sales from MAF and MAG to the PCB
Subsidiaries and their subsidiaries amounted to
$36.1 million, $44.3 million, and $50.2 million
for the years ended December 31, 2007, 2008, and 2009,
Property Leasing Arrangements with Affiliates of Related
OPC, one of the PCB Subsidiaries, is currently leasing from MAF
on a
basis a portion of real property located at Nos. 6-8 Dai Wang
Street, Tai Po Industrial Estate, New Territories, Hong Kong,
for warehouse purposes. The total amount of rent payable to MAF
under the lease for the year ended December 31, 2009 was
approximately $64,800.
GME, one of the PCB Subsidiaries, leases a portion of its
employee dormitory spaces to MAG from
time to time for the use of the employees of MAG. The dormitory
spaces are rented to MAG pursuant
to prior written request by MAG for its employees on an
individual basis, with the monthly rent to
be determined in accordance with the space area used by the
individual employees and the rate as
notified by GME from time to time. Such rental arrangement
between GME and MAG is effective until
either party terminates the arrangement upon three months prior
written notice to the other party.
The total amount of rent payable under the lease for the year
ended December 31, 2009 was approximately $85,900.
As permitted by SEC rules, we are making this proxy statement
and our annual report on
Form 10-K
for fiscal 2009 available to stockholders electronically via the
Internet on our website at
www.ttmtech.com/stockholdersmeeting. On or about
April 16, 2010, we began mailing to our stockholders a
notice containing instructions on how to access this proxy
statement and our annual report and how to vote online. If you
received that notice, you will not receive a printed copy of the
proxy materials unless you request it by following the
instructions for requesting such materials contained on the
notice or set forth in the following paragraph.
If you received a paper copy of this proxy statement by mail and
you wish to receive a notice of availability of next years
proxy statement either in paper form or electronically via
e-mail, you
can elect to receive a paper notice of availability by mail or
an e-mail
that will provide a link to these documents on our website. By
opting to receive the notice of availability and accessing your
proxy materials online, you will save our company the cost of
printing and mailing documents to you, reduce the amount of mail
you receive, speed your ability to access the proxy materials
and our annual report, and help preserve environmental
resources. We encourage you to sign up for electronic proxy and
annual report access or a paper notice of availability for
future annual meetings. Stockholders may elect to receive
electronic access or a paper notice by registering
electronically on our website at
www.ttmtech.com/stockholdersmeeting If you received
electronic or paper notice of availability of these proxy
materials and wish to receive paper delivery of a full set of
future proxy materials, you may do so at the same location.
Our annual report on
Form 10-K
for fiscal 2009, available on our website at
www.ttmtech.com, contains financial and other information
about our company, but is not incorporated into this proxy
statement and is not to be considered a part of these proxy
soliciting materials or subject to Regulations 14A or 14C or to
the liabilities of Section 18 of the Securities Exchange
Act of 1934, as amended. The information contained in the
Compensation Committee Report and Report of
the Audit Committee of the Board of Directors shall not be
deemed filed with the SEC or subject to Regulations
14A or 14C or to the liabilities of Section 18 of the
Securities Exchange Act. If a stockholder received a paper copy
of our annual report and does not wish to access our annual
report through our website but rather requires an additional
paper copy of our annual report, we will provide one, without
charge, on the written request of any such stockholder addressed
to our corporate secretary at 2630 South Harbor Boulevard, Santa
Ana, California 92704.
If any stockholder intends to present a proposal to be
considered for inclusion in our proxy material for the 2011
annual meeting of stockholders, the proposal must comply with
the requirements of
Rule 14a-8
of Regulation 14A of the Exchange Act and must be submitted
in writing by notice delivered to our corporate secretary at
2630 South Harbor Boulevard, Santa Ana, California 92704. Any
such proposal must be received at least 120 days before the
anniversary of the mailing of the prior years proxy
material (by December 17, 2010), unless the date of our
2011 annual meeting is changed by more than 30 days from
May 26, 2011, in which case, the proposal must be received
a reasonable time before we begin to print and mail our proxy
In addition, our bylaws establish certain requirements for
proposals a stockholder wishes to make from the floor of the
2011 annual meeting of stockholders. If the proposal is for a
matter other than the nomination of a director for election at
the meeting, the proposal must be written and delivered to our
corporate secretary at the address set forth above not less than
90 days (by February 25, 2011) nor more than
120 days (January 26, 2011) prior to the first
anniversary of the preceding years annual meeting;
provided, however, that in the event that the date of the
annual meeting is more than 30 days before or after such
anniversary date, notice by the stockholder must be so delivered
not earlier than 120 days prior to such annual meeting and
not later than the close of business on the later of
(a) 90 days prior to such annual meeting or
(b) 5 days following the day on which public
announcement of the date of such meeting is first made by our
company. Our bylaws provide that a stockholders notice of
a proposal of business must set forth certain information
relating to the proposed business desired to be brought before
the meeting and the proposal itself, and information relating to
the stockholder making the proposal.
If the proposal is for the nomination of a director for election
at the meeting, the nomination must be delivered to our
corporate secretary at the address listed above not less than
90 days (by February 25, 2011) and not more than
120 days (January 26, 2011) prior to the first
anniversary of the preceding years annual meeting;
provided, however, that in the event that the date of the
2011 annual meeting is more than 30 days before or after
such anniversary date, notice by the stockholder must be so
delivered not earlier than 120 days prior to such current
annual meeting and not later than the later of
(a) 90 days prior to such annual meeting or
(b) 5 days following the day on which we make the
first public announcement of the date of such meeting. However,
in the event that the number of directors to be elected to our
board of directors at an annual meeting of stockholders is
increased and there is no public announcement by us naming the
nominees for the additional directorships at least 100 days
prior to the first anniversary of the date of the preceding
years annual meeting, the stockholders notice will
also be considered timely, but only with respect to nominees for
the additional directorships, if it is delivered to our
secretary at the address above not later than 5 days
following the day on which we first make a public announcement
of additional directorships. Our bylaws set forth specific
information that must be provided to our corporate secretary in
connection with the nomination of a director for election at the
annual meeting.
As of the date of this proxy statement, we know of no matter
that will be presented for consideration at the annual meeting
other than the election of directors and the ratification of our
independent registered public accountants. If, however, any
other matter should properly come before the annual meeting for
action by stockholders, the persons named as proxy holders will
vote in accordance with the recommendation of the board of
directors or, in the absence of such a recommendation, in
accordance with the best judgment of the proxy holder.
By Order of the Board of Directors
Steven W. Richards,
Santa Ana, California
April 12, 2010
If you would like to receive future shareholder communications over the Internet
exclusively, and no longer receive any material by mail please visit
http://www.amstock.com. Click on Shareholder Account Access to enroll. Please enter
your account number and tax identification number to log in, then select Receive
Company Mailings via E-Mail and provide your e-mail address.
2630 South Harbor Boulevard
Santa Ana, CA 92704
As an alternative to completing this form, you may enter your vote instruction by Internet at
WWW.VOTEPROXY.COM and follow the simple instructions. Use the Company Number and Account Number
shown on your proxy card.
The undersigned hereby appoints Kenton K. Alder and Steven W. Richards as proxies, each
with full power of substitution, to represent and vote as designated on the reverse side, all the
shares of Common Stock of TTM Technologies, Inc. held of record by the undersigned on March 29,
2010, at the Annual Meeting of Stockholders to be held at the Companys headquarters located at
2630 South Harbor Boulevard, Santa Ana, CA 92704 at 10:00 a.m., local time on May 26, 2010, or any
adjournment or postponement thereof.
(Continued and to be signed on the reverse side)
14475 g
May 26, 2010
INTERNET - Access www.voteproxy.com and follow
the on-screen instructions. Have your proxy card
available when you access the web page, and use the Company Number and Account Number shown on your proxy card.
Vote online until 11:59 PM EDT the day before the meeting date.
MAIL - Sign, date and mail your proxy card in the
envelope provided as soon as possible.
IN PERSON - You may vote your shares in person by attending the Annual Meeting.
The Notice of Meeting, Proxy Statement, and Annual Report
are available at http://www.ttmtech.com/stockholdersmeeting
¯ Please
detach along perforated line and mail in the envelope provided
IF you are not voting the Internet. ¯
To elect James K. Bass, Thomas T. Edman, and Tang Chung Yen, Tom as class I directors |
2. |
The ratification of the appointment of KPMG LLP, as independent registered
public accountants for the fiscal year ending December 31, 2010
o |
o |
o |
¡ James K. Bass
¡ Thomas T. Edman
¡ Tang Chung Yen, Tom
FOR ALL EXCEPT (See instructions below)
INSTRUCTIONS: To withhold authority to vote for any individual nominee(s),
mark FOR ALL EXCEPT and fill in the circle next to
each nominee you wish to
withhold, as shown here: =
To change the address on your account, please check the box
at right and indicate your new address in the address space
above. Please note that changes to the registered name(s)
on the account may not be submitted
via this method. |
o |
Signature of Stockholder |
Signature of Stockholder
Please sign exactly as your name or names appear on this Proxy.
When shares are held jointly, each holder should sign. When signing as
executor, administrator, attorney, trustee or guardian, please give full
title as such. If the signer is a corporation, please sign full corporate name
by duly authorized officer, giving full title as such. If signer is a partnership,
please sign in partnership name by authorized person. |